Targeted disrepute of hedonism
hedonism comes from the Ancient Greek ἡ δονή back Hedon, which means pleasure , and means a philosophical attitude, according to the pleasure and the pursuit of which she mediating luck the highest well be. General language is one of hedonism as a means of increasing assessed pursuit of happiness. Cultural history, the concept formation served to the pursuit of happiness as opposed to predetermined other foreign or drittnützigen purposes, such as under the notion of public good, to be seen as exaggerated self-and self-serving. It was less about the actual pursuit of an inner happiness experience, but the means of striving for happiness individual claims to be, or not ready, they made his own fortune to others, so for a dispute in the distribution of goods and valuables. Especially in view of the modern socialist redistribution ideas, the concept of hedonism is still often used in the foundation of demands for redistribution to fend off counter-attitudes of the incriminated. In this sense, hedonism says the quest for material goods, or at least related to behaviors that affect formation and distribution material goods have or may have. Behind the collectivization of the individual is in regard to be the society giving rise to behavior, the appointed time at the designated place within the meaning of the determinate to do requires it. This is collectivized their own pleasures of the natural human desire for happiness given by replacement of the lucky goals and other than their own life purposes shall be subject. The defamation of the selfish pursuit of happiness as hedonism will thereby create the moral responsibility to do something in the eyes of a parent instance Unethical and responsibility of the Separately to provide for the exercise of his freedom a collective condemnation of what is actually always only the verdict of others who carry their own happiness so that endeavor. So related comes from the notion of hedonism the instruments on the control of individuals by providing to the people trying to alienate his natural desire for happiness.
hedonism as the direction of the force of the goddess
attaches in its starting point the concept of hedonism to the natural decision-making structure of the individual in terms of its internal reward and punishment system to, after his to pursue happiness. From the plant produces the contents of this effort are not set, which therefore serves as a gateway for any other interests that are trying to make their own about the denigration of the autonomy of the individual concerned access. In sanctuary however, is the return of happiness and thus the drive for him as well as the lust and love the force the goddess the world and their invigorating penetration ensure that the true measure of the orientation (and also the pursuit of happiness) the general life . In each case, the Beauty the goddess, the goddess of fortune, the joy of the Goddess and the love the goddess, the individuals in his life determine. The General that points here about the needs of the individual, is that of the general life as the goddess of power, the direction There. Only then govern the obligations of the individual over the other, as he in his his freedom filling responsibility that in him settled idea of justice as advocate publicus and especially the truth , as the direction of the goddess, her will and her strength experienced. That which would describe the Hedonnismus is thus nothing but the perception of the Divine all life. Thus, reveal the real intentions of a derogatory Use of this term as an attempt to the decisions of individuals and thus its autonomy by decisions to replace the other and thereby to subject the life force of individuals and other foreign purposes.
The shame of Sozialhedonismus
well targeted exploits the negative connotation of the concept of hedonism in relation to the individual to a political campaign argument to its collective Inpflichtnahme is celebrating this term as an abstraction in the name of social justice and the welfare state with a positive cast happy resurrection and that in his estimate on an individual level, are of the pure material limitation on the satisfaction of needs. This is revealed every once that is doing just the thought experiment, to understand the supposedly socially advantaged himself as a living being ", said one of the ugly body of Sozialhedonismus in the worst kind against jumping at once. The requirements of social justice taken a welfare state are concerned exclusively with the increase of material well-being of the affected social abdomen to the satisfaction of needs in this regard. There are no modern social theory, the peace of mind similar to the current needs and unrestrained at the expense of Substance and the burden of the income of future generations to satisfy tried. The initial outcome of such claims, people, for whatever reasons, they satisfy their basic needs are always powerless to put through the help of this wealth in the situation that their biological Not resolved and she returned to find again for itself care, has already left for miles and using these natural degenerate into an instrument granting long sozialhedonistischer redistribution, more and more for less and less involvement receive. The consequences prove the worst fears of Antihedonisten, with the difference that, due to society, so therefore virtual actions and thus have caused the degeneration of all the errors of abstract general . The Sozialhedonismus finds its basis only in the clientele of the social policy officials who establish here their political or even social status and their own benefit (in terms of their pursuit of happiness) is maintained. This also explains the even just this accusation of political patronage, to be levied against all measures not to the pampering sozialhedonistisch and serve their own social care to wean body only, as well as any political action only under the Point of view is justified to serve the general Sozialhedonismus. Also, is the vehemence with which any criticism of this self-service policy in favor of social abdomen to criminal demands resisted, says the clear language of former despot. The pure Sozialhedonismus has been taken by many states total holding in culture, justice (the law has always been her master in bondage) and above all religious, ideological, and its impact on freedom of the individual as individual and their social life outside the womb will be enormous and devastating.
individual happiness can only be divine
Sozialhedonismus found in the typical degeneration of what makes sense for the individual whose life (which it means luck) when it is abstracted and generalized virtual . Just as one can generalize the bread that each individual can only eat and the water or was it the wine, the drink each individual can only (it would all starve to death in the general bread and wine of thirst in the abstract) can not fortunate to be generalized, without the opposite of what is in the detail of underlying cause. The happiness that the desire indicating only makes sense for him to strive and drives the awareness level of each individual in the direction of its pole. Once an individual can strive only for themselves, or when he denies with others to effect something in common virtual. On the other means striving to move in the direction of public life, as it showed the goddess, and not to loot one will be leaked in the name of social justice to wait. Therefore turn in the opposite must always Sozialhedonismus each individual hedonism in the sense of striving for happiness and the experience of pleasure and love. The purpose of the Return of the goddesses the General and abstract take back his place in the only conceptual and the eye of everyone again depend on the real basis and conditions of his life, just as they were created by the goddess once, when they fertilized the earth and animated. At the highest that can find a man ever, he meets only in his heart of hearts that is the mirror of his awareness , where he learns all his divine life. This experience, he generalizes in the sanctuary at the Galaktisierung of lust and love, because this is nothing but the breath of the goddess. His gaze then opened his own happiness, which the goddess reveals her beauty in him. He may generalize only in divine Association , never give him but in the virtual reality world. All attempts to do this end, the opposite. Only the pursuit of happiness of the individual can promote you, but this happens in the sanctuary with his prayers and worship when everyone honors and praises the Goddess . ;
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