foundation of the family
In paternity we understand the knowledge of the involvement of a particular man at the Production of a particular child, biologically and genetically determined by generation. That relationship is similar between mother and child a personal relationship between a father and his child derived. The personal relationship is frequently emotionally by affection and love determined, this is also where the father's responsibility for the care, safety and education derives a responsibility that has verdichtetet in advanced societies to legal obligations. Through the joining of the maternity and paternity for the simultaneous and specific personalization of the relationship between father and mother to one another was the family in the modern sense which, either defined by a permanent and exclusive sexual relationship between a woman and a man and also their only jointly conceived children. Deviations were very early by including in the family context of several women as well as the inclusion of non-cooperation conceived children as their own. In this form, the family took part as a basic unit of socialization at a higher level, building societies .
paternity without the knowledge or participation in the Will
The paternity, although causally determined is, but other than motherhood no relationship to the children biologically defining represent facts during the pregnancy and the birth of an inseparable biological bond between mother and child show as well, at least the very early years of adolescence, as evidenced by the breast feeding with its own missing, such biologically sensible relationship between the father and his child. His biological causal contribution is more or less to a mere causation by a causal act, its highest emotionality as in orgasm reasons unrelated to the child alone. On If the child is up to his birth Father is not involved, usually biologically not at the first time according to where the baby is not alone viable. While the knowledge as if to motherhood and its meaning since the consciousness of the people-where he his self-consciousness certainly was was known (and what probably far into the past of the human animal back), should acquire knowledge of the biological paternity until more recent nature, probably no older than 5000 years, probably less, and in the cultural impact of not much more than 3000 years old. This means that the men of the decade thousands have lived with the women and children in hordes and groups without knowledge of it have been that their as-biological-determination suggests violent sexual attraction and their experience in connection with the reproduction is. This was revered as divine rather the natural life force, what the women have shared with her lap attributed, so all this time, the early approaches of social structures were matriarchal or matrilineal. This was also the first thousand years after the beginning due to the enforcement of agricultural settlement (from 12000-6000 years ago) and since then building societies in larger settlements. The female goddesses, we find at the beginning of the threshold of the transcript, ranging all back in this time when they determined early unchallenged a matriarchal culture.
Atavistic mind structure
certain This time, the group cohesion to the identification with the tradition of births by certain women. The children grew up as children of this group, as well as the mothers of all the children looked after, the men mostly in their capacity as brothers the mothers provided also for the group without special personal relations with a particular woman or some children. The experience of sexuality stood in perception, yet have no connection with conception and birth. The births took place but the satisfaction of the people due to a general transmigration or by direct divine action takes place fertilization or implantation in the female womb. Sexual relations were not limited to the group, on the contrary took the sexual attraction typically just - what is in the genetic development to be particularly advantageous-sex partner was found in each case, to other groups. Each remained or returned naturally back to his group in principle, in which he lived and he was a social responsibility. expected In these early days many of the tens of thousands of years life forms have continued essentially our still authoritative individual emotional structure, which in many areas not with today's culture by ethics, morals, custom and law specified conditions matches. sexuality and reproduction are not even today mainly due to their perceived evolutionary relationship, just what in modern times back to a dramatic revaluation of sexual relations outside this Konnex has performed as same-sex partner, or in contemplation of the exclusivity of sexual relations. In spite of all formal assurances close family relations are based not on the propagation and biological ancestry directly but on group-specific contexts. Thus the inclusion of children out as a foster or adoptive children should not generally be specific emotional difficulties, as well as an extension of the family to other people is always attributed to the group readily have been possible. Its position in part at least The lifetime resolution with regard to their nuclear families are replaced by new structures, but contradict the dogmas of the nuclear family, but all with the atavistic group concept, which comes from our emotional costume match.
discovery of paternity
The paternity, which today is taken for granted provided patriarchalisierten biological factors in the nuclear family, is a purely cultural construct and as such only arose after the men had recognized their biologically necessary assistance when Gebärprozess. This was most likely only as a result of the general by disseminating knowledge of Scripture caused nudge So about 3000 or 4000 years. some time in a continuing process of transition, the contribution of the man on the mere opening of the female womb to enter wandering souls or divine was limited power to the men and their physical participation in the discharged and to be born child was clear. was with this realization at the same time a decisive shift in the bond between husband and wife existing weight distribution, because it showed the woman their particular from its connection with the gods who were goddesses, and her power derived mythical special meaning. your Gebärmacht was deprived, replaced entirely by the male generative power, and thus the patriarchalization with their early degeneration of phallocracy was initiated. For lack of more Gebärmacht the women of the generation power of the men were fully delivered, it was not even on the participation of women, you could take it easily. This finding established the actual fall. The women were disenfranchised, the goddesses lost their power to male gods and ruled the phallus as a symbol since then outstanding against the sky people. Ethics, morals, customs, laws and divine commandments deal with overwhelmingly since securing the male generative power and the exclusion of the female womb of other possible fathers of her children. For to be sure his father could be reasonably assured only by this drastic process of elimination.
loss of procreation and Gebärmacht
But today the man begins in modern Western society's conception of power lost, the women, despite sexual desire (and resulting dependencies) determine the time of a reliable self-fertilization. But the women can win their 3,000 years ago they lost Gebärmacht not as full back, after which they led alone has access to her lap proof of paternity. For now, any biological paternity to be established genetically. The evidence relating modern culture wars manifested in the debates on abortion on one hand (as the freedom of women, regardless of the biological father on the continuation of her pregnancy to be determined) and (a declaration genetically as freedom of man, one-sided his biological paternity) concerning the genetic paternity determination. People are a turn where the men have begun three thousand years to disenfranchise women and debasing, the other in the present, where the women throw off all this, but now by the men on the knowledge of their own biological paternity can have without the bosom of the patriarchalisieren to women.
paternity in the realm of the goddess
The developed since the time of patriarchalization idea of fatherhood was a cultural process. The actual biological If a child in the womb of the mother and her breast was a behavior of the father on a cultural basis set added, explaining that the social form that fills the child, or more to fill out is created by a collusive conduct between the parties is. This gets the father in one of the biological status of the mother comparable position, even for the welfare and care of the child are able to and must. Patriarchal served these rights and obligations of the suppression of the natural rights inherent to the mother, now complete but the father's powers and duties of the mother, so that paternity and maternity supplement as a social outcome as facts themselves to parenthood. paternity is today, free of the patriarchal pretensions and adjusted as maternity thereof, which devalued one side, the other remained enhanced, the commonality of the transmission of universal life as a common biological and cultural Task. Both biological life as the social virtual life-determining reliability still has its place here, as well as the loyalty of the people who respect each other promises made. The Return of the goddesses wants to set the goddesses back into their old rights and thus the dominance of men as the end of men over women, and also prevent it or to other new dominance comes. For all people infected in the power of the goddess equally and their awareness of the worship of the goddess is in the sanctuary. The power of the goddess but adds men and women together in their sexuality, because sexuality has its power immediately following the recovery of the world. Life but is always based on the reliability of the parts it is founded, so they owe the people of the goddess. Paternity is the cultural Pendent to motherhood, and both are used together with the continued existence of public life by the will of the goddess, as she brought him his time in the world when they fertilized it and revived. For all began with the life and all life can exist only if its underlying information can be reliably implemented at a is. This applies without exception to all aspects of life, be they biological or cultural.
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