energy saving discussion is affected differently by the owners, Tenants and managers saw.
save Germans for years voluntary energy and need for coercion and incentives, this view represents Thorsten home from home property management GmbH
the Bundestag in late October the energy concept of the government decision. It has an ambitious goal: By 2050, increase the green electricity share to 80 percent. A major focus is the drastic reduction of energy in buildings, which consume about 40 percent in Germany, the energy. The discussion initially forced or criminal means such as tax disadvantages, are indeed off the table, but have taken care of a lot of trouble. Now, to financial Incentives to the property owners of the massive renovation program to convince.
this case, the energy consumption of private households for housing in Germany have long decline: the Federal Statistical Office, has reduced the consumption of household energy - adjusted for changes in temperature - 2005-2009 to a total of 6.7 percent. When looking for energy sources is especially the sharp drop in the consumption of mineral oils: it fell by nearly a quarter since 2005. The consumption of natural gas declined slightly by 3.6 percent. After the power consumption in 2008 was dropped for the first time in postwar history from the previous year, , the decline continued in 2009. Overall, the power consumption decreased from 2005 to 2009 by 2.0 percent. For other fuels such as firewood and wood pellets, however, consumption increased strongly (15.8 percent). For heating, in 2009 used about 71 percent of total household energy.
There are other good news: The Coffee chain Tchibo sold recently green electricity, which comes to 100 per cent from hydropower. A quick test of Stiftung Warentest shows: compared with electricity from fossil fuels or nuclear power is green power in many places in this month a € cheaper. And there is also compared with other pure green electricity suppliers the company in the test. The Tchibo stream from Norwegian hydropower plants is in many parts cheaper than the base rate of the regional electricity supplier. Well-established green electricity providers, such as EWS Schönau, Greenpeace Energy, electricity and natural light look at Tchibo offers many places.
But the positive aspects can not be deceived about the reality of time. The resulting legal uncertainty deters investment, the association complained Home Basic Germany. "Whoever wants to increase the recovery rate in existing housing, the first must reform the tenancy," said its president Rolf Korn. He points out that the landlord does not have any investments Energy savings, but only on higher rental income could be generated. All attempts to force the citizens to save energy, were completely unnecessary. The government had made the right decision to remove the pressure for energy efficiency in buildings from its recently submitted energy plan and instead rely on voluntary compliance.
Even under current law to eleven percent of the cost of energy modernization will be allocated to the tenants, stresses Dr. Franz-Georg Rips, President of the German Tenants' Association (DMB). For example, investment of 20,000 € for an apartment, the rent thus more expensive by more than 180 € a month. In a housing cost burden, currently almost 30 percent to 40 percent additional cost would be prohibitive for renters.
concludes Thorsten home on energy saving: There is no alternative to saving energy, it must be in Germany no one really believes. Moreover, the prices in the past has made more progress than some to share, however well intentioned promotional incentives, rather than stir up the mainly widespread mentality driving the ubiquitous self-responsibility of men. press officer and managing director of property management Hausmann GmbH
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