Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ae Men's Slippers Size

phallocracy, the fall

Excessive worship of the erect male member
means phallocracy rule (κράτος - kratos) of the phallus, as a Latinized form of Greek for φαλλός - derived phallus, with which the erect penis is meant, usually his foreskin stripped shown. The term is applied to social conditions under which a cult Hervorkehrung of the erect penis as an expression of male Hegemony is understood. Sources of religious worship of the phallus found in many cultures, fundamental to Western culture was especially in ancient Greece, especially the closer to Athens and its culture traditional exaggerated representation of the phallus as a sign of male superiority that characterized the late ancient and Western culture crucial. In more than 15,000 full or partial illustrations on ceramics, which is considered the most comprehensive source of pictorial reproduction of this period, in overwhelmingly large number of men with erect penises being played in all situations. The reports referred to by the fifth and 4 century BC the city of Athens with phallic representations, as in the widely spread God Hermes, littered have been. As for Athens during the Peloponnesian War, very costly 415 BC. The men decided against the resistance of the lives of their sons, anxious women, the war by an attack on Syracuse in Sicily and even expand, the women fought during the following night in protest thousands of figural representations of the phalluses from, no Hermes statue is to be spared, all members were there in ruins. depictions of the erect male member can be found everywhere in other ancient Greek sites. Even from the most ancient copies obtained in late antiquity People Statues follow almost without exception a male ideal of beauty, as well as the highest desire was referring only to boys (before the external signs of sexual maturity) and sports competitions in which women were excluded itself as spectators, served primarily to display naked bodies of pubescent boys. The excessive public worship of the phallus was matched by the importance which we simultaneously settled the myths and legends of the conquest of the Amazons, the legendary female warrior race, with the danger of which we also established the disenfranchisement of women and their restriction to the domestic sphere. The demi-god Achilles was killed in the decisive battle the Queen of the Amazons Penthesilea, but previously not seen her in the eye and, despite her her he inflicted death of their power succumbed, and had fallen in love with her. What there was a better proof of the dangers of women .

phallocracy as displacement of the sacred womb
The phallokratischen features of Greek antiquity are expected but only a consequence of the traditional in modern times circumstances surrounding the patriarchalization be the company after the widely revered female goddesses following the discovery of paternity were disenchanted. Over many millennia, the female womb was revered as divine, because in it the souls to be reborn, entered and where the divine life force acted immediately. The younger since the Paleolithic era (ie since about 40,000 years ago) across Europe found statuettes of naked female body with exaggerated sexual characteristics put on this witness. Focusing on the female bosom, as he is still detectable at the beginning of the first written records prior to about 3000 years, reflected in in the social organization again, mainly matriarchal was or matrilineal, in that the groups were in their belonging to the mothers, as well as transfers, particularly those of mythical nature (as derived from the gods ruling power), but followed the female line. The power of women was also supported from the discovery of agriculture (from 10, in Europe from the 6th millennium BC) by the settling and the formation of larger communities. From about the first pre-Christian millennium began, the magazine spread as a general information support, albeit very early sources on the 3rd, possibly even to the 6th pre-Christian millennium reject. In our time come from traditional literary works of all great from the first half of the 1st millennium BC (as the records of Hesiod, Homer, the Bible, but also the recording of other works, which themselves should turn back to more ancient times, such as the Gilgamesh epic). The written information transmission were blown up in space and time limits of the oral disclosure and the meaning of the word and hence the issue of tag in the center. Just now, the limited use of terms also allowed abstractions unprecedented scale and expanded finally decided the possibilities of knowledge. There were also the men, not like the women directly involved with their bodies in the cycle of nature and the goddesses who were the bearers of the new interest in writing. They glorified the word and offered to take a picture with more of the divine, but the images were just a long time female domain. One of the first fruits of the knowledge gained benefits may have been the discovery of paternity, which provided all the existing world order on its head, the real fall, because now the men sold the goddesses from paradise, and with them the primacy of the feminine. The phallus, the powerful bursting erect member, became the symbol of the erring to the men's supremacy. Thus in various written sources, reports that were set up in the temples of Near Eastern goddesses phalluses-meter-high stone sculptures as a sign of new life and fertility cult. The phalluses to was to climb as a religious service, as well as young women were forced to put to defloration in the temple to be erected there, in natural size stone phalluses. The Phallisierung the world became a clearance of the men while continuing the physicality remained closely linked. Only they replaced the sacred womb of the holy phallus, which has now been resolved in the procreation of new life all meaning. For millennia it was obviously set against a heresy. Because the conviction occurred on the participation of women at all, one could assume they are easy to buy or rape. You had to wear only ensure that the phalluses of other men not fertilized her lap. This deal has since wide range of custom and morality, ethics and law, sometimes even exclusively. The women were the male thing to wegschloss to impose was that no one else they desire, and their rights and dignity to limited solely to serve the needs of the male reproduction. This image was overcome even in the modern world. The Greek phallocracy is because most thoroughly documented and also spread throughout the Mediterranean, just one of the vehemence with which transformed the symbols after seizing power of patriarchy.

idealization of the patriarchal belief in one God was phallocracy
This, however, only the first stage of Patriarchaliserung that the objective phallocracy with its elevation of the mythical serving glorification of the male genitals led. The result brought the transcript, the information changed possibilities of knowledge and philosophy of science in early flowering in all of Greece, which had an effect but in the entire Mediterranean region. This was almost exclusively a male affair, in which one could at best sporadic and women participate, as some Greek courtesans, though more as a pastime. It originated here, the great idealistic systems, especially by Plato, who took now also of nature itself and all its naturalness there declared a sham, because the true, immutable, and being able only in the abstract of Ideas are. Thus, in retrospect any claim to power of the female was removed from the foundation, because their worship was referring as divine the quality just from the women's physical and terrestrial integration of conception and birth what was regarded since the triumph of idealism, but just as null and void. The idealism of phallocracy handed to the philosophical justification, which was in the abstract ideas of what women were naturally excluded if only because of their connection to the earth (just think of her period). Idealism became the religion of patriarchy and established his power for more than two millennia. The physicality of the phallus as Symbol of male strength and power and the subjection of women disappeared with the idealization while, on the body it no longer came. The phallus symbolizes the omnipotence but stopped and now, the idea of patriarchal masculinity attributed. For the goddesses was no room, the mighty ancient Greek god Eros mutated into cute Cupid, and Aphrodite, much older than Zeus, were forced into the Cnidian representation of the sculptor Praxiteles to undress completely and to release her body all lustful glances, which however did not harm her beauty. The idea of Gods was only one God, end after the fall of the goddesses also only in a male. This idea of the patriarchal one God was born long before Christ was born. But one of the most effective successor of Plato and his academy was Paul, who forged them to Christianity. Now found the physical phallocracy their spiritual (ie abstract) elevation, the male omnipotence was replaced to the omnipotence of a male one God, the revival of nature was the intellectual penetration of ideas and a divine conception was only one more time for the redemption of the world instead, when the Holy Spirit the womb of Mary to receive God's Son opened. Thus lost all that was in the bodies of people and everything that happened in nature, and more important. With nearly eight centuries after Plato desexualization successful end of Christianity, as modified by the St. Ambrose and St. Augustine in the fourth and fifth century AD, especially with the ingenious introduction of original sin, the people associated with the sexual pleasure and love, to the now ideal phallocracy relative to their starting point the blazing display of conviction prepare erect penis but in its opposite-a quite common fate of ideas that they owe their abstract nature, but developed an equally perfect as instruments for the sustainable control of human beings.

reunification of the holy and sacred phallus lap
phallocracy and thus the fact that the Throne of the Patriarchate have now been shaken have been replaced by the goddesses their return is announced, not only because that has reached three hundred years behind the Enlightenment, the women, but also to the more abstract methods, the Earth to subdue. Once the truth is never in the abstract, but only in each individual, the company is in relation to the Earth constantly risky. More lead even more abstract and scientific knowledge gained back to the three thousand years so neglected systematic force of life that is the power of our Goddess . Ideologically need to change what had actually never been able to force back into the body and brought him to be united with the spirit. How can this happen emblematic, as if the once held sacred lap and today many continue to unite sacred phallus in a way that the desire and love generalize, all those concerned within the meaning of our Galaktisierung . No other way we walk in the sanctuary of the Seven Goddesses where Sakralakt . The natural foundations of life may also not phallocracy that she was physically or ideel made permanent in question. Against the sting of the goddess can not Loecke.


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