Friday, December 31, 2010

Accidental Out Of Body Experiance

love for mankind comes from the body

For the preaching of the institution of the word of the year

Dear sisters and brothers, girlfriends and friends!

love for mankind comes from the body, the goddess of the sky.

love eye to eye, hand in hand and body to body
When the last holy week of the year adjacent to the first holy week of the new year, we have reason us to remember the most important things gave us the Goddess, this is the love . For love goes not only to the bridge between people, no, they united into one body, that of the goddess. For the goddess of love and all we feel of it, feeling in us, it is both. What would life be without love? Bleak and meaningless, we could only curse, that we are aware of our life. But the awareness we have been given good reason, it came together with love as the breath of the gods and thereby change the happiness and also the desire on life that is always a If . That love makes a man to man is not our wisdom, you find them in many religions and philosophies under various names, often exploited already to other ticks. But love is only for love's sake, as God alone, for God's sake, and the goddess to the goddess's sake alone are there. For love is the divine . The Divine Will itself is not, is a being and all that is divine, has participated in this being, so also is love. But this is the General . We humans are, through the General of the goddess, which they revived the world, also created, but remain always a becoming, so that while we as a result of our consciousness, the universal and thus able to see the love, but can they do we are only in the making. If all of the people but is physically, the love that we experience. Everything else are concepts, words, ideas, forms, each with his own ideas can fill, without, however, to make a reality. The only thing you are able, is to act as one or the other of these abstractions is really how you get your companies let arise. But these are fictions, that the change of your will vanish again just as everything Virtual . So is the love that has nothing to do with the body than just a metaphor, a symbol for something on which one has agreed. Look into the life. Where there is love that has nothing to do with the body? You can find the world and the books full of big words, who have their names. But if people really love and be loved, then there are people who leave with their hands and others feel the love of their actions, even if they help them, they maintain, or even clean it because it's not even more capable. Love there is only eye to eye, hand in hand, body to body, everything else, if not already exploited for other purposes, is only the information, how could love.

learns the goddess of pure love alone body
If you own the sake of love is to love, if you the universal and valid for all people looking for in love; then you will find it only in the love of the Goddess. If in your daily life, you apply no other love for others, but there it happens to the other's sake, because they need that or just to say a love. Also this is the love of the Goddess and why they intertwined the world with her. The pure love but you can read only with the goddess, if you combine it with her. In the Association with the Divine, it is the happiness and the pleasure that you can feel the presence of the goddess. The physical prayer in which you turn in union with other people just for the sake of you prayer to the Goddess, is not the only way to this union, but it is the path that you have mapped out the nature. It has already fitted your bodies and souls with gifts, to approach you and the goddess of pure love. You are only what you have, your senses and your feelings, your thoughts and all life, you have nothing more, nothing less. Only with what you have, can you love the Goddess. Therefore, your Goddess loves her together physically in order to experience in the association. This is happening in your sexual union, but the divine joy and love experience, that is they are becoming part of your leave. It may be different but always the love goes only by your body. However, it is the goddess who let you participate in their general for the time of intoxication, the orgasm, the highest of you find happiness, but which is always only a reflection of that what you are seeking. Therefore, at this moment, losing all questions to its meaning, the reasons vanish from your thoughts and time and space are irrelevant. Because if you feel the Goddess, then this is a response each and every reason and every time and every place in the universe. This experience, but once it becomes aware of myself for reason, which is up in space and time to seek him will find him again. This is the goddess of omnipotence and universal love, the each of us makes their Allgeliebten.

Love is the direction
In love, all beings are connected to the goddess, not just the people. The love keeps the world as it was animated by the goddess once collapsed. The force which are each zugrundliegt and always according to the predetermined information can add one thing to another and thus the reliability and eventually founded the loyalty, that's all the work of the will of the goddess. We can understand their will only come into the world toward the divine being. For the goddess herself is not becoming, as we determine our will, but for us humans it's just there, as it is, beyond all time and space and all the need, without any failure and error. With the love she makes us feel its perfection and every time we follow the love in our life, we come closer to its perfection and the desire and joy, contentment and even happiness are ultimately nothing more than our perception of the divine being they seem to us to be. When we love, we can be sure to follow their path. However, allowed the goddess we can not do at all costs. Knows no borders, the love we owe only the Goddess, why is one not binding except in the sanctuary of her. In civilian life are, however, the reliability and the loyalty side of the divine love and just who was in front of the goddess open divorced and relieved of his promises , the direction can be sure if he open new avenues of treading old ties. Were it otherwise, how could adjust from the contributions of individuals has become ever a whole.

creates the general love of loyalty and reliability goddess
When unite in prayer the people for the physical body of the goddess, then binds itself this community all of a community, effective community for what then ought there yet! This common people take with their lives and some in civilian burden that someone feels today because of his bondage made based on some promise fades in the face of the experienced divine unity into nothingness. For now, you know, firstly, to experienced divine love in general temple, on the other hand, its continuation in civilian life, is that their reliability and loyalty of the goddess. This servant, however, is your love, when you return to the Temple, inspire the more even. Thus, also reliability and loyalty to the part of love and the associated joys and promises are not broken easily done from the contingencies of mere desires. Only the unlimited and boundless love that you show the goddess in the shrine creates the lasting sound foundation of your love in civilian life, can create what many lives. The desire of the goddess is that you love for its sake.


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