The sacred ministry of priests
As temple prostitutes the holy priestesses of matriarchal goddesses vilified after the patriarchy with his had prevailed phallokratischen degeneration has long been passed against the matrilineal order. One must assume today that until about three thousand years the religious ideas of the people in further dissemination of the idea of a divine force of nature, derives all life were determined. At this energy (a force is directed energy), the women had participated with their child-bearing, which was probably interpreted this so that implants in the womb of the woman to the upcoming rebirth of mortal souls, after the discovery of paternity with the further assumption that the first lap had to be opened by the member of the man. In these operations, the people were told immediately of divine action that they took over many decades of thousands to the occasion, goddesses, from whom they took advantage of a personalized presentation, as a primal force to honor original or universal mother. Due to the very strong dependence on natural forces, on the one hand as a threat, on the other hand, perceived as security, were told the people the divine life force immediately, so that, in its religious ritual behavior, the connection to the ; Divine should be included, especially on their sexual experiences that led her heart into the myth of the female womb, in point. It formed the even in the later patriarchal society into acting idea that could be using the lap and made it through the sexual connection to the divine, what a long time was also used to awarded for approval purposes, a claimed temporal power as divine output ( ancient Egypt, ancient Israel, ancient Japanese myths Tenno). Did the added experience of intoxication, as he knew the man from orgasm , in which she deals with the divine felt united. In the ritual worship of the goddesses that have given rise to the temples, so was the sexual experience of orgasm as physical rauschaften association with each of the revered goddess. Their priests and priestesses were in teaching and bring about these groups their tasks accordingly an essential role. After the sexual experience was not contaminated with the later patriarchal power claims, the priest's participation was considered a sacred act. For this understanding can be found in other areas as examples, the host law, which was also a divine origin. Even in modern times (already under the Patriarchate) saw it as pleasing to God to decorate that the guest's own wife or daughter for the night in order to secure the blessing of God for farm and family (because us such practices only from the times of the patriarchy can be known, they affect only the hospitality of men). This understanding of sexuality was a sacred process from the sanctity of the female womb and its related joys. We also find in this an explanation for the more than twenty thousand copies in excess of small finds images of women with exaggerated sexual characteristics in the past 12,000 Years, and after all, more than 200 similar Figure tablets of earlier times, dating back to 40,000 years ago when modern humans first entered Europe. Priests who are sexually united in the service in the temples of the goddess, it was another, be it with the faithful, ever since carried on a sacred service.
cementing new male power
That the sanctity of the priestly sacred act turned into the opposite, and finally in the Christian idea (but also in other religions) even regarded as evil and as prostitution was denounced, is simply the consequence of triumph by the changed power relations of patriarchy and thus caused deep crash of the women of Sisters of the goddesses to mere instruments of male needs. If the place as a result of that power changes revaluation of sexuality, even today, after the women have risen to their emancipation, is represented just by enlightened women continue, this just shows how deep and lasting was the female misshapen soul through the phallokratischen degeneration - after all, one, that phenomenon also known from the abolition of slavery is where the slave mentality only after several generations of the self-understanding completely escaped. The transformation by the victory of patriarchy was total, so total that today, even in retrospect to states middle and at the beginning of last century, believe it unlikely that women have lived under such conditions, almost thousands of years, as a being to which a value only with regard to the interests and needs approached the men, whether in education, it was opposite in the maturity of the man, whether in the prerogatives of men and their power to dispose of their wives - of which we are a snapshot in other remaining border the atavistic ideas to Lock companies can make. After the men in front of about 3,000 - 4,000 years ago had begun to recognize their participation in the fertility of the hitherto held sacred female womb, also began the twilight of the gods, the goddesses but also for women. Because the consequence was not only that the womb of the woman was desecrated, but that the man understood immediately how he had to deal with him in order to seize its full and final and to make it serve, by way Perren and closing. To the will of women, it helps to not like at all on their person, you it could take just pregnant, and tied them but even their feelings to themselves because they had to raise their children that is. All that constituted the female personality, vanished, came out of nowhere and the idea of a woman who the man was subject and to serve him in all had, especially his children to give birth to him. This picture was up to modern times enter unchallenged. All that concerned the women was in the process aimed at her lap that other men had to stay closed, then almost set up the new patriarchal power and the new morality was concerned for a long time with nothing else than the male to cement claims to power over the female womb.
writing system, the triumph of patriarchy
was accompanied by a spiritual development, with the transcript, the world was connected and probably continued until the men in the state to expand their knowledge essential. The writing system is likely not independent of the invention of writing as a social phenomenon to be older than 3,000 years. It led to a significant increase significantly from the conceptual level of abstraction and extended in both time and space, the breadth of information. Beneficiaries were there especially the men, regardless of whether they closer to their biological targets were abstractions than women. They were in any case only because of their lower involvement in the natural cycle of life the abstract closer than the women. The higher due to the abstraction level of content and form improved information allowed much greater and more effective social institutions, which are all based on that as many people behave consistently according to the information available to them, at the correct time on the do provide place the intended one. All known written documents, the larger context plays, originate from the first millennium BC, even if they had, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, written similar precursors. This might (about 7th century BC.) Applies to the Bible or the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer or Hesiod (8th-9th century v.Cr.) are valid, are too great in all patriarchal works long the stories from ancient times under the new rule had rewritten the male, as evidenced by recent biblical research, for example. These great books are just the work of the means of the use of the transcript, so triumphantly passing through patriarchy with us ever since its known suppression of women. This eventually led to an idealism which the all-natural as real denied, and to bring the final victory of the goddess appeared. Even in ancient sensibility shone first time the phallus that his foreskin stripped erect male member, killed by the idealism and the sense and in a hostile male one God led, where one could indeed serve with murder, rape and similar crimes constantly, but never with sensual, physical pleasure. This is all documented overflowing, nothing like it, except for some sparse and purely random tracks, clear writing is similar evidence about the reign of the goddesses, through the times when the women nor as Sisters of the goddesses were considered. But this is mandatory, because the writing system itself was the triumph of patriarchy, and has since relied predominantly male scientists who deny the goddesses, a matrilineal order and even the hereditary dignity of women, that it lacked documents demonstrate this consistently. You want to be free people, where are your weapons, speak evil of captors after they have robbed their victims of their weapons.
patriarchal rubbish
With the victory of patriarchy or the goddesses disappeared from one day to tomorrow, nor their temples were removed. This happened about the temple only after the Christians in the 4th Century, they were recognized. It changed, however, the importance of the priests and their temples, where many men had come at a fun, denatured to brothels, in which one housed young pretty women who had been robbed elsewhere. 100 slaves to an Olympic winner in the 5th century BC have given the Temple of Aphrodite in Corinth for enrichment. But this was long since the time when the Greek cities of the phalluses was even used as a guide. The goddess Aphrodite was forced in this time of Praxiteles, in front of all eyes to undress. Of the dignity of women, who once characterized the priestly service of the temple servants, had the patriarchy, let alone left over in the form of the Greek phallocracy for many centuries any more. The dirt that poured the patriarchal ruler of the former site of the goddesses and their servants and temple prostitutes drove so in the temple prostitution stinks, still against the sky, even if it is along now slipped to the patriarch. With the return of the goddesses is finally eradicated the shame and the formerly maligned as temple prostitutes servants of God will be returned to their sacred office.
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