The housing market is drifting apart, what can we expect in the new year?
on the real estate market to rule their own rules, their application is not all clear when times change.
With the crash of the economy through the financial crisis and the subsequent upward trend is also now the context has changed in the real estate market. "Who has to meet an important decision in connection with real estate know what mechanisms should be effective," recommends Thorsten Hausmann, director of real estate home in Norderstedt, with offices in Hamburg, Wiesbaden, Mainz and Dresden.
The real estate market is strongly in contrast to other markets, particularly from three premises: the land is not renewable. Real estate is immobile. Real estate to satisfy a basic need, housing. Quite different from marketing in moving goods, where the mobility of the offer is a prerequisite for trade is, does the real estate market only if the buyers are mobile. In order to achieve a market at all, the demand coming to the offer. This works only when there is no such thing as transparency. "This is ensured by always Estate Agents and, in recent years, the Internet portals on the Internet," said Thorsten home.
currently observed market specialists will transform the housing market: the buyer's market becomes a seller's market. Condominiums already are in short supply. The point has been only buying high-priced apartments in Dresden, Leipzig, Essen and Hannover. But in the market for cheap rent there is already crowded, especially in large cities such as Hamburg or Munich. An analysis of shows that the demand for houses and condos in the 1st Half of 2010 compared to the previous half-year has risen: in Berlin by 13 percent for houses, apartments at three percent, in Hamburg by ten percent for apartments, houses in Munich at eight percent, Homes as much as 24 percent, in Stuttgart in houses by 18 percent, seven percent for apartments and houses in Nuremberg in as much as 30 percent and 32 percent for apartments.
Cheap homes are often sought in vain. The price level, will meet the property-seekers to a wider range varies greatly in comparison to the cities. In Berlin, Dresden, Essen, Hanover and Leipzig are the property seekers already opened for requests for objects from 150.000 € a choice, in Hamburg, Cologne and Nuremberg in objects from 225.000 €. Leader is Munich: There begins the real estate offer houses mostly only at 400,000 €.
The economic situation has affected the marketing of residential real estate, says Prof. Dr. Stephan Kippes, from the University of NĂ¼rtingen-Geislingen (HfWU) in his PROPERTY MARKET MONITOR 2010th His statement is based on a block of questions on the economic situation and prospects for the future. Then go 39 percent of brokers believe that the purchase of residential property prices will rise again in the future, 29 percent predict constant prices. All rates go from 47 percent of an increase, 28 percent believe the prices stable.
seen "just how developed the property market in the new year, we need not look to the crystal ball, "said Thorsten home. "Already now we can the upward trend in prices in many places clearly felt. But we must not overlook, however, the division of the market. Will grow even stronger as the locations, the directory is already a strong demand - at the expense of the structurally suspended regions.
An increasingly important given the energetic state of a property. New premises earlier years of construction, necessary capital expenditures from energy sustainably renovated old buildings. Conclusion Thorsten Hausmann:
"The market focus, and we have to recognize where an investment in the future reward is worth and where not. The complex information for buyers, sellers and landlords is becoming increasingly vital. The qualified broker will in future more and more as a consultant and coach, and customers will evaluate its performance publicly. It's just a matter of time before next reviews the first website for real estate agents reviews can be found on the Internet! "
Thorsten home
press officer and managing director
Hausmann Immobilien GmbH
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