Friday, December 31, 2010

Accidental Out Of Body Experiance

love for mankind comes from the body

For the preaching of the institution of the word of the year

Dear sisters and brothers, girlfriends and friends!

love for mankind comes from the body, the goddess of the sky.

love eye to eye, hand in hand and body to body
When the last holy week of the year adjacent to the first holy week of the new year, we have reason us to remember the most important things gave us the Goddess, this is the love . For love goes not only to the bridge between people, no, they united into one body, that of the goddess. For the goddess of love and all we feel of it, feeling in us, it is both. What would life be without love? Bleak and meaningless, we could only curse, that we are aware of our life. But the awareness we have been given good reason, it came together with love as the breath of the gods and thereby change the happiness and also the desire on life that is always a If . That love makes a man to man is not our wisdom, you find them in many religions and philosophies under various names, often exploited already to other ticks. But love is only for love's sake, as God alone, for God's sake, and the goddess to the goddess's sake alone are there. For love is the divine . The Divine Will itself is not, is a being and all that is divine, has participated in this being, so also is love. But this is the General . We humans are, through the General of the goddess, which they revived the world, also created, but remain always a becoming, so that while we as a result of our consciousness, the universal and thus able to see the love, but can they do we are only in the making. If all of the people but is physically, the love that we experience. Everything else are concepts, words, ideas, forms, each with his own ideas can fill, without, however, to make a reality. The only thing you are able, is to act as one or the other of these abstractions is really how you get your companies let arise. But these are fictions, that the change of your will vanish again just as everything Virtual . So is the love that has nothing to do with the body than just a metaphor, a symbol for something on which one has agreed. Look into the life. Where there is love that has nothing to do with the body? You can find the world and the books full of big words, who have their names. But if people really love and be loved, then there are people who leave with their hands and others feel the love of their actions, even if they help them, they maintain, or even clean it because it's not even more capable. Love there is only eye to eye, hand in hand, body to body, everything else, if not already exploited for other purposes, is only the information, how could love.

learns the goddess of pure love alone body
If you own the sake of love is to love, if you the universal and valid for all people looking for in love; then you will find it only in the love of the Goddess. If in your daily life, you apply no other love for others, but there it happens to the other's sake, because they need that or just to say a love. Also this is the love of the Goddess and why they intertwined the world with her. The pure love but you can read only with the goddess, if you combine it with her. In the Association with the Divine, it is the happiness and the pleasure that you can feel the presence of the goddess. The physical prayer in which you turn in union with other people just for the sake of you prayer to the Goddess, is not the only way to this union, but it is the path that you have mapped out the nature. It has already fitted your bodies and souls with gifts, to approach you and the goddess of pure love. You are only what you have, your senses and your feelings, your thoughts and all life, you have nothing more, nothing less. Only with what you have, can you love the Goddess. Therefore, your Goddess loves her together physically in order to experience in the association. This is happening in your sexual union, but the divine joy and love experience, that is they are becoming part of your leave. It may be different but always the love goes only by your body. However, it is the goddess who let you participate in their general for the time of intoxication, the orgasm, the highest of you find happiness, but which is always only a reflection of that what you are seeking. Therefore, at this moment, losing all questions to its meaning, the reasons vanish from your thoughts and time and space are irrelevant. Because if you feel the Goddess, then this is a response each and every reason and every time and every place in the universe. This experience, but once it becomes aware of myself for reason, which is up in space and time to seek him will find him again. This is the goddess of omnipotence and universal love, the each of us makes their Allgeliebten.

Love is the direction
In love, all beings are connected to the goddess, not just the people. The love keeps the world as it was animated by the goddess once collapsed. The force which are each zugrundliegt and always according to the predetermined information can add one thing to another and thus the reliability and eventually founded the loyalty, that's all the work of the will of the goddess. We can understand their will only come into the world toward the divine being. For the goddess herself is not becoming, as we determine our will, but for us humans it's just there, as it is, beyond all time and space and all the need, without any failure and error. With the love she makes us feel its perfection and every time we follow the love in our life, we come closer to its perfection and the desire and joy, contentment and even happiness are ultimately nothing more than our perception of the divine being they seem to us to be. When we love, we can be sure to follow their path. However, allowed the goddess we can not do at all costs. Knows no borders, the love we owe only the Goddess, why is one not binding except in the sanctuary of her. In civilian life are, however, the reliability and the loyalty side of the divine love and just who was in front of the goddess open divorced and relieved of his promises , the direction can be sure if he open new avenues of treading old ties. Were it otherwise, how could adjust from the contributions of individuals has become ever a whole.

creates the general love of loyalty and reliability goddess
When unite in prayer the people for the physical body of the goddess, then binds itself this community all of a community, effective community for what then ought there yet! This common people take with their lives and some in civilian burden that someone feels today because of his bondage made based on some promise fades in the face of the experienced divine unity into nothingness. For now, you know, firstly, to experienced divine love in general temple, on the other hand, its continuation in civilian life, is that their reliability and loyalty of the goddess. This servant, however, is your love, when you return to the Temple, inspire the more even. Thus, also reliability and loyalty to the part of love and the associated joys and promises are not broken easily done from the contingencies of mere desires. Only the unlimited and boundless love that you show the goddess in the shrine creates the lasting sound foundation of your love in civilian life, can create what many lives. The desire of the goddess is that you love for its sake.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Requirements For Avg Bmi

The housing market is drifting apart, what can we expect in the new year?

on the real estate market to rule their own rules, their application is not all clear when times change.

With the crash of the economy through the financial crisis and the subsequent upward trend is also now the context has changed in the real estate market. "Who has to meet an important decision in connection with real estate know what mechanisms should be effective," recommends Thorsten Hausmann, director of real estate home in Norderstedt, with offices in Hamburg, Wiesbaden, Mainz and Dresden.

The real estate market is strongly in contrast to other markets, particularly from three premises: the land is not renewable. Real estate is immobile. Real estate to satisfy a basic need, housing. Quite different from marketing in moving goods, where the mobility of the offer is a prerequisite for trade is, does the real estate market only if the buyers are mobile. In order to achieve a market at all, the demand coming to the offer. This works only when there is no such thing as transparency. "This is ensured by always Estate Agents and, in recent years, the Internet portals on the Internet," said Thorsten home.

currently observed market specialists will transform the housing market: the buyer's market becomes a seller's market. Condominiums already are in short supply. The point has been only buying high-priced apartments in Dresden, Leipzig, Essen and Hannover. But in the market for cheap rent there is already crowded, especially in large cities such as Hamburg or Munich. An analysis of shows that the demand for houses and condos in the 1st Half of 2010 compared to the previous half-year has risen: in Berlin by 13 percent for houses, apartments at three percent, in Hamburg by ten percent for apartments, houses in Munich at eight percent, Homes as much as 24 percent, in Stuttgart in houses by 18 percent, seven percent for apartments and houses in Nuremberg in as much as 30 percent and 32 percent for apartments.

Cheap homes are often sought in vain. The price level, will meet the property-seekers to a wider range varies greatly in comparison to the cities. In Berlin, Dresden, Essen, Hanover and Leipzig are the property seekers already opened for requests for objects from 150.000 € a choice, in Hamburg, Cologne and Nuremberg in objects from 225.000 €. Leader is Munich: There begins the real estate offer houses mostly only at 400,000 €.

The economic situation has affected the marketing of residential real estate, says Prof. Dr. Stephan Kippes, from the University of NĂ¼rtingen-Geislingen (HfWU) in his PROPERTY MARKET MONITOR 2010th His statement is based on a block of questions on the economic situation and prospects for the future. Then go 39 percent of brokers believe that the purchase of residential property prices will rise again in the future, 29 percent predict constant prices. All rates go from 47 percent of an increase, 28 percent believe the prices stable.

seen "just how developed the property market in the new year, we need not look to the crystal ball, "said Thorsten home. "Already now we can the upward trend in prices in many places clearly felt. But we must not overlook, however, the division of the market. Will grow even stronger as the locations, the directory is already a strong demand - at the expense of the structurally suspended regions.

An increasingly important given the energetic state of a property. New premises earlier years of construction, necessary capital expenditures from energy sustainably renovated old buildings. Conclusion Thorsten Hausmann:

"The market focus, and we have to recognize where an investment in the future reward is worth and where not. The complex information for buyers, sellers and landlords is becoming increasingly vital. The qualified broker will in future more and more as a consultant and coach, and customers will evaluate its performance publicly. It's just a matter of time before next reviews the first website for real estate agents reviews can be found on the Internet! "

Thorsten home
press officer and managing director
Hausmann Immobilien GmbH
Mobile: 0049 173 9135623
Phon: 0049 40 5294080
Fax: 0049 40 5293276

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Polycystic Ovaries Billeted

Heavenly Association

Jean Francois Armand Felix Bertrand (1829-1894), Fortuna

It is the sky that opens,
if in you we unite,
the pleasure of love Draw out from you to certify
our souls,
with luck the members by flooding them
lust evaporated the blood in the body,
scorched with the fire Gluten,
anyone who is not ready to take
the goddess in itself,
on one with her to be alone to revive
all schemes
from the worlds of gods grove.

the highest happiness, we are firmly intertwined with her
and connected
in body and limbs turn we, are, for
Overall we wound
burn together because we
the flames from deep within us drives us forward
beat the hot greed,
if the steps we now dare to plunge into the sky
foamy us
seas We embraced,
when taken in the favor of all the gods
we go.

secrets undress
their cherished covers,
the truth is now available to fulfill our dreams
that people with a
gods and the gods desire us
that we are part of Gods being,
when we worship praising them
meaning of life, he stands before us,
nature has long been proclaimed
blows the goddess of love for us
pure joy, rooted in us.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sprinkler Installation Cost

But the body of the goddess without limits charity

basic social stimulant
The imperative of charity the neighbors as loving yourself is at the center of Christianity and, after Mark's Gospel by Jesus himself than for the love of God most important commandment means. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, it goes back to a corresponding demand Old Testament Yahweh in the Torah, the but clearly refers only to the members of their own people. The extension applies even to enemies as the true power of Christianity. But in other religions and cultures there are similar demands. In fact, the idea of charity is a basic requirement for each object together, that every one should take into account in its decisions the interests of others as to when they were his own. This results in the responsibility of the individual, without the freedom would not be possible, and also the sense of justice in the sense of an advocate publicus. After living together It is only when already in place their own behavior, the expected behavior of other reflected. After the man is put to his free will in a position, it requires a corresponding inner Stimulanses to consider when making decisions and determining the behavior of other needs themselves. For every man seeks in his decisions after his luck, what every one knows of any, so that the happiness of others also concerns itself. It speaks very much to be said that the said stimulus already in the hardware, is due at least in the firmware of the human constitution and forms the basis for social structures. In the sanctuary we see this as a consequence of the power of the goddess was connected to animated life through which the directed energy of the world. Even at the unconscious biological processes contribute to individual members involved, such as the differentiating cells together, which is only possible if the one it also takes into account the other. The social stimulus is therefore a part of becoming than what one is to understand single life. This will in turn appears as a feature of public life , as its part of the man is seen as a result of the awareness his own. In his membership to the general life as part of the divine power does the sanctuary founded the social obligations of the people. volatilized

With the expansion of the circle of neighbor is the commandment
The love is no other quality, albeit different intensity, for it is that it is the individual himself and his own needs directly with those of certain other identified that are about to his family. This is the love that the commandment to love our neighbor as for the behavior of the concerns are different compared to that love is to him and his family as a benchmark for their own decisions (with the formation of the will) for the integration of the concerns of the neighbor. By this is meant first of all the neighbor, that is the one to whom one is standing objective, the concept of neighbor is expanding then but to all with whom one interacts to cause in common, not to forget those that are rare in such a way connected is that the similarities of this kind can be justified. Love, responsibility, justice, remain accessible to every detail related feelings and have only such reality. This they lose in the abstract generalization suffer while the fate of all generalization, by its only in detail valid meaning forfeit. Abstract As they alone have the meaning which it attributes to them beforehand, it can be as desired, serve above all the other single-sided purposes. Therefore, the obligation to charity loses the generalization of the circle's next yet considered.

But the universal life combines the individual life
Another limitation experienced by the bid by the return to the relationship itself against possible love. This may be at a level intended only figuratively, for love itself is possible only in the direction from itself to something else. On the other hand, this has zuggleich but also on the only metaphorical character of the picture of love itself, not meant for love, but the natural terms of their own pursuit of happiness for its own purposes. The commandment to love our neighbor includes therefore strictly speaking the claim in the context of their own pursuit of happiness and objectives of the neighbor to take, which means that the aspiring individuals striving to others to make their fortune, the content of his quest for happiness, for the pursuit of Happiness itself is pre-defined unchangeable, however, not the goal as the content of striving. This is the center of any socialization, and this leads directly to the actual reason of the given social stimulus: it is the general Life, the life to the goddess of the whole world and its part, the life of each is individual and that's the only thing an individual can experience self-knowledge and and nevertheless beyond him, has his part he is indeed, without him to be identical. In the generalization of lust and love find all the people for the common core of life, is nothing more than the breath or the spirit of the goddess. This is, however, but indicate any need for charity at their own pursuit of happiness only measure can and even must, or to put it metaphorically, you must love the others more than yourself, you do not you sacrifice another, only if your life thy Pursuit of happiness, the pursuit is room for others, you are obliged under the bid. This is also the core of the doctrine of the sanctuary, each person lives his life and puts it as such in the world, everyone is the navel of the world, because in it the goddess is even at home, everyone is for himself and his own luck responsible and the Goddess alone against compelled to share with others his luck. Does not require the deity, to suffer himself to the pursuit of happiness of others to carry. But above all, is the commandment to love our neighbor to another a right to demand love, too. The image clearly shows the love to love you only voluntary, a requirement for Love is its end. Social obligations area that give the One a claim against the other, as this had to behave well founded, only the law. This is but one formed in a standing practice agreement of all parties that own rules and conditions subject to and dependent on their compliance with his obligations. The commandment to love our neighbor as anyone else therefore entitled to the goddess. rape

Impotence, love
Herein also the main difference from the profane doctrines, as it is disseminated under the name of socialism. Because they are based on the presumption once or delusion, replace the omnipotence of the gods to be able, on the other that brought the love of duty. Both are equally absurdities of expressing itself only in violence impotence. Could not they stop and they would prevail on the general lesson that people were on the precipice. For the same time as they replace even the gods and their power to bring all of the people for causing paralysis. But without causing any company dies. To recognize this requires nothing more than a sober analysis of existing conditions. The increasing freedom of free high income is matched by an increasing commitment of generating this income be human, how could there are also different. And out of this conflict out the said doctrine of salvation is also its end. Your are still celebrated self-styled highlights social justice are once castigated as examples ochlocratic social abuse, which on the back of becoming a human being is to inaction vergaukelt seductive. Each piece of traveling entertainers but will always be revealing the end. Because no one has a right that one loves him and others not, that he cares for him, not even when it is embellished with solidarity. There are no morals and no ethics that anyone entitled to claim that the other him from his responsibility for themselves may dismiss. Because each person is responsible for itself and finally to correct the defect and to avoid the error. Only the goddess can ask the people solidarity. This they meet together when they come together to worship the goddess. This creates community cohesion, linking it in the civilian life. But this is indeed the love and the love of the goddess that burns in all. It comes from the custody of the children, his family and the neighbor if that needs it because he is unable to help. Nature has conditioned the people so that he cares for his family. He takes care of itself, for nothing otherwise, the term of his own, but it ends outside the family and friends. This is extended to the experience of the generalization of pleasure and love in the divine union . Everything else is metaphorical and is taken from the abstract to his door to conceptual arbitrariness . People can agree, however, far more, as they also can explain far more ready and by law they can also establish obligations in this regard. However, there is no law, if it will not even be wrong, that someone could effectively commit to provide the basis for his own life in question, nor, to the other to his make - because it requires love and friendship that every obligation, even if it were justified by law withdraw. There is only one way to extend the love, you do so in its generalization together with the desire , the Galaktisierung to participate in the body of the goddess.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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The goddess sacred temple prostitutes

The sacred ministry of priests
As temple prostitutes the holy priestesses of matriarchal goddesses vilified after the patriarchy with his had prevailed phallokratischen degeneration has long been passed against the matrilineal order. One must assume today that until about three thousand years the religious ideas of the people in further dissemination of the idea of a divine force of nature, derives all life were determined. At this energy (a force is directed energy), the women had participated with their child-bearing, which was probably interpreted this so that implants in the womb of the woman to the upcoming rebirth of mortal souls, after the discovery of paternity with the further assumption that the first lap had to be opened by the member of the man. In these operations, the people were told immediately of divine action that they took over many decades of thousands to the occasion, goddesses, from whom they took advantage of a personalized presentation, as a primal force to honor original or universal mother. Due to the very strong dependence on natural forces, on the one hand as a threat, on the other hand, perceived as security, were told the people the divine life force immediately, so that, in its religious ritual behavior, the connection to the ; Divine should be included, especially on their sexual experiences that led her heart into the myth of the female womb, in point. It formed the even in the later patriarchal society into acting idea that could be using the lap and made it through the sexual connection to the divine, what a long time was also used to awarded for approval purposes, a claimed temporal power as divine output ( ancient Egypt, ancient Israel, ancient Japanese myths Tenno). Did the added experience of intoxication, as he knew the man from orgasm , in which she deals with the divine felt united. In the ritual worship of the goddesses that have given rise to the temples, so was the sexual experience of orgasm as physical rauschaften association with each of the revered goddess. Their priests and priestesses were in teaching and bring about these groups their tasks accordingly an essential role. After the sexual experience was not contaminated with the later patriarchal power claims, the priest's participation was considered a sacred act. For this understanding can be found in other areas as examples, the host law, which was also a divine origin. Even in modern times (already under the Patriarchate) saw it as pleasing to God to decorate that the guest's own wife or daughter for the night in order to secure the blessing of God for farm and family (because us such practices only from the times of the patriarchy can be known, they affect only the hospitality of men). This understanding of sexuality was a sacred process from the sanctity of the female womb and its related joys. We also find in this an explanation for the more than twenty thousand copies in excess of small finds images of women with exaggerated sexual characteristics in the past 12,000 Years, and after all, more than 200 similar Figure tablets of earlier times, dating back to 40,000 years ago when modern humans first entered Europe. Priests who are sexually united in the service in the temples of the goddess, it was another, be it with the faithful, ever since carried on a sacred service.

cementing new male power
That the sanctity of the priestly sacred act turned into the opposite, and finally in the Christian idea (but also in other religions) even regarded as evil and as prostitution was denounced, is simply the consequence of triumph by the changed power relations of patriarchy and thus caused deep crash of the women of Sisters of the goddesses to mere instruments of male needs. If the place as a result of that power changes revaluation of sexuality, even today, after the women have risen to their emancipation, is represented just by enlightened women continue, this just shows how deep and lasting was the female misshapen soul through the phallokratischen degeneration - after all, one, that phenomenon also known from the abolition of slavery is where the slave mentality only after several generations of the self-understanding completely escaped. The transformation by the victory of patriarchy was total, so total that today, even in retrospect to states middle and at the beginning of last century, believe it unlikely that women have lived under such conditions, almost thousands of years, as a being to which a value only with regard to the interests and needs approached the men, whether in education, it was opposite in the maturity of the man, whether in the prerogatives of men and their power to dispose of their wives - of which we are a snapshot in other remaining border the atavistic ideas to Lock companies can make. After the men in front of about 3,000 - 4,000 years ago had begun to recognize their participation in the fertility of the hitherto held sacred female womb, also began the twilight of the gods, the goddesses but also for women. Because the consequence was not only that the womb of the woman was desecrated, but that the man understood immediately how he had to deal with him in order to seize its full and final and to make it serve, by way Perren and closing. To the will of women, it helps to not like at all on their person, you it could take just pregnant, and tied them but even their feelings to themselves because they had to raise their children that is. All that constituted the female personality, vanished, came out of nowhere and the idea of a woman who the man was subject and to serve him in all had, especially his children to give birth to him. This picture was up to modern times enter unchallenged. All that concerned the women was in the process aimed at her lap that other men had to stay closed, then almost set up the new patriarchal power and the new morality was concerned for a long time with nothing else than the male to cement claims to power over the female womb.

writing system, the triumph of patriarchy
was accompanied by a spiritual development, with the transcript, the world was connected and probably continued until the men in the state to expand their knowledge essential. The writing system is likely not independent of the invention of writing as a social phenomenon to be older than 3,000 years. It led to a significant increase significantly from the conceptual level of abstraction and extended in both time and space, the breadth of information. Beneficiaries were there especially the men, regardless of whether they closer to their biological targets were abstractions than women. They were in any case only because of their lower involvement in the natural cycle of life the abstract closer than the women. The higher due to the abstraction level of content and form improved information allowed much greater and more effective social institutions, which are all based on that as many people behave consistently according to the information available to them, at the correct time on the do provide place the intended one. All known written documents, the larger context plays, originate from the first millennium BC, even if they had, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, written similar precursors. This might (about 7th century BC.) Applies to the Bible or the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer or Hesiod (8th-9th century v.Cr.) are valid, are too great in all patriarchal works long the stories from ancient times under the new rule had rewritten the male, as evidenced by recent biblical research, for example. These great books are just the work of the means of the use of the transcript, so triumphantly passing through patriarchy with us ever since its known suppression of women. This eventually led to an idealism which the all-natural as real denied, and to bring the final victory of the goddess appeared. Even in ancient sensibility shone first time the phallus that his foreskin stripped erect male member, killed by the idealism and the sense and in a hostile male one God led, where one could indeed serve with murder, rape and similar crimes constantly, but never with sensual, physical pleasure. This is all documented overflowing, nothing like it, except for some sparse and purely random tracks, clear writing is similar evidence about the reign of the goddesses, through the times when the women nor as Sisters of the goddesses were considered. But this is mandatory, because the writing system itself was the triumph of patriarchy, and has since relied predominantly male scientists who deny the goddesses, a matrilineal order and even the hereditary dignity of women, that it lacked documents demonstrate this consistently. You want to be free people, where are your weapons, speak evil of captors after they have robbed their victims of their weapons.

patriarchal rubbish
With the victory of patriarchy or the goddesses disappeared from one day to tomorrow, nor their temples were removed. This happened about the temple only after the Christians in the 4th Century, they were recognized. It changed, however, the importance of the priests and their temples, where many men had come at a fun, denatured to brothels, in which one housed young pretty women who had been robbed elsewhere. 100 slaves to an Olympic winner in the 5th century BC have given the Temple of Aphrodite in Corinth for enrichment. But this was long since the time when the Greek cities of the phalluses was even used as a guide. The goddess Aphrodite was forced in this time of Praxiteles, in front of all eyes to undress. Of the dignity of women, who once characterized the priestly service of the temple servants, had the patriarchy, let alone left over in the form of the Greek phallocracy for many centuries any more. The dirt that poured the patriarchal ruler of the former site of the goddesses and their servants and temple prostitutes drove so in the temple prostitution stinks, still against the sky, even if it is along now slipped to the patriarch. With the return of the goddesses is finally eradicated the shame and the formerly maligned as temple prostitutes servants of God will be returned to their sacred office.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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The reputation of a company is more important than the money and priceless! - Products and services from home-Immobilien GmbH

The reputation of a company is more important than the money and priceless! - Products and services from the home property management GmbH

Monday, December 13, 2010

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tenants fear that rent priceless to you - not landlords want to "sit" on the investment.

Thorsten home takes on the theme "Energy measures" and their acceptance by the affected tenants, landlords and property owners in this YouTube video position.

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New ways of communication for real estate companies.

In a very interesting post by green immo recorded the chances for real estate companies, with its own TV channel to communicate with customers:

What do you think about this other information sources for property owners, tenants and landlords?

Thorsten your home

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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The Company virtually brought

Psychological basis of appearance and reality
As Virtual one generally referred to something that is not really it is only an illusion. The sanctuary is the term used in the context that in itself all that lives, always up is and thus has no existence as a permanent and self-justified substance, and that all means, only by the interaction of a particular Score effecting parties alone for the moment the effect becoming arises. Virtual, so they appear to exist, it is called because it exclusively in his Bewirktwerden by matching will of the parties is dependent, can be withdrawn at any moment and thus changes the process or terminated. Therefore, every society always virtual. As a real feel of the individual is only what he felt immediately, and this feeling, he summarizes over a short period of time, so he faked the present, and they also experienced as a feeling that a uniformly perceived as a period of time is allocated. Everything else that penetrates from the outside in the people, will take place before this intellectual display. A being can only have what, regardless of this perception and the behavior of individuals in its basic constituents is. Such a being can have the basics of life such as the power of the goddess that are constantly living. A being comes to anything that is not a Will. A becoming but is also what stands in relation to the period of one are unchanged and flat, just because the process of its own becoming extends over much longer periods. Is to run the dead and dead as the stones of the earth, as being true, although they also only rhythm in the Galactic Be are. This points to the psychological foundations of all existence. If a itself can at best only an infinitesimal being, have thought of as the lowest point of no spatial and temporal extent, is that of the respective become one at the moment and yet immediately replaced by another having become next. His is the infinitesimal but for the people only a conceptual gimmick. Nevertheless, we take account of the subjective perception of one's life as a related result of becoming this account that we consider both the present case as well as the fictitious context over a short period of time extending infinitesimal conditions such as a being. Prior to this display alone will be held knowledge to rise to the awareness , even his own, and the individual assumes the general true life, with the goddess of the world through their power to forward Fertilized energy, an energy based on anything and is founded and which is the real being fulfilled.

The consciousness separates the spheres
The concept of the virtual, as we use it, follows on the means of awareness and perceived as being not only becoming states. If all that makes the consciousness itself is occurring in the first, then do not be virtual, but takes part in the awareness and self-centered notion of being derived from it. This reflects the experience of each individual account that he himself and all that he founded, as the foundation carries out his life. This property giving rise to a being of consciousness why is not virtual, because in fact it does nothing else than the force of life that is the power of the goddess. These forms can force awareness and generates the quadrature of the circle that the perceiver perceives itself and endlessly reflecting that the individual is able to pull himself mentally by the hair from the bottom of the slurry of knowledge. If everything is being conducted under this force and this force because of its divine origin itself can only be a being only. Only because of this experience, man wins over any idea of a being, a common life and ultimately his own. The definition, the virtual settles only above the level of consciousness is therefore not arbitrary but after only takes what it claims consciousness. can

follows from the being to cause the force, virtual
From the perspective of the sanctuary to the well describe it, that will be created as a result of divine power over the confidence of the people in his personal experience of being, which his identity formed. Against the background of the power of the goddess, the man experiences as truth, man receives the idea of a being, with whose help he can only recognize all becoming. There is therefore no point for him, the idea of the virtual on the biological basis of his own will refer to this cut him only the orientation on the basis of its own. However, the conclusion of the process of becoming, which accrues to him in his mind in the light of God's action puts him in a position to bring about even now and make a difference with others in common. These processes formed the society, therefore, even the state. But this causes is always virtual and can never grow stronger to a being. He underlying each of a certain information, as such, has no part in the life and therefore is not mortal, and their implementation depends solely on the will of the parties. Would this not break, then overnight together even the most powerful States. The force that a Brought about to unfold is able, therefore, nothing but the force with which the parties do, that is a strength of will that is created by the pursuit of happiness . For all virtual lives only on this power. Every political community can exist only in so far as it is the will of the parties are at its supports and maintains, because it is alive (virtually) only on their willpower. There are on even if it is no longer this will of those that allow it to exist virtually, respects and just distribution of the fruits, as it marks our modern welfare state. It's just a matter of time before the willpower is not enough to sustain the life of a virtual society. Biologically dead every being, if it loses the underlying forces in the diet, are on each virtual social life if it is deprived of forces will be generated, because only one such act, the toleration.

The goddess path always leads from the particular to general virtual
In the sanctuary is man to be returned to its divine basis for life, that he recognizes for himself and his own principles of his life. His mind's eye focuses on the activities of the goddess, as she creates life. In worship man meets her breath that pervades the world and all life can be. This Humans transmit power from the commonality of experience in bodily prayer to be civilian life, she guides him in his will to bring about the virtual. The awareness of it, however, what is the very basis of this force, have lost the most people already believe and real realities exposed, covered with which the Virtual in the Company only. The conditions of the virtual, such as concepts, shapes, abstract and ideas live a life of its own, its virtuality is forgotten. Of course, nothing virtual get a real life and in fact it is still only the very real lives of other individuals and their ideas and needs, hiding behind the virtual general. But know, everything, including every force and every life is taken, but the goddess, and they know only one way from the individual to virtual general, and not vice versa. Not virtual, not abstract and not companies ever created a life or let it be one force, there were and are always individuals in effecting their counts. The awareness of our own power but everyone learns when he comes to us in the sanctuary to pray there together. In sight of the goddess being divorced from becoming the real and the virtual as well.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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beauty of the Gods praise

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ligeia Siren, 1873
If we say goddess, who also
God in us,
unite us with her to dwell
with him,
love give us, we both strive for
for all is one of the lucky
in which we participate
as divine gifts.

entice with beauty,
breath away us
in the divine light shine

weights of souls in bodies that pay
pleasure in them, they accumulated
of luck there, on
Tendons, they built, that love
in the heavenly bills.

Nothing will ever tempt us if it would

miserly with life and abundance,
to reveal himself to us
in beautiful forms, improve the standards

obtained naturally, in the spirit
to our desire for the gods
ornament. is

in body and soul
not hide the fact that their figures

they receive it, delight
as they learn to keep
happiness, joy and laughter
when guard
their fate in the human face

reflected the light.

Drum use the eyes
and ears that are good,
and hands that feel
and heart that lead
prepare there that
where gods guided us
if revealed to the lack
avoids the error of
dressed in wisdom .

to beauty the splendor
guards the charm,
adorn the body to
beguile the bodies,
connect to closely related to
to one,
spend in happiness
the time
united to elements,
the souls adjusted.

Beholding The body
love him schicket
than pleasure and joy
in the temple building,
the divine body in
woman and the man greedy,
can blaze the flame
in the glare and burning
recognize the gods.

If all penetrated
the Beautiful sung,
resounded in tone and design
it enticing,
hearest the tendons,
beguiling the senses,
exultation and jubilation
in the foaming whirlpool
then to the world
the Goddess joined.