violence against police officers
Until the late 1980s was considered terrorism as the biggest threat to police officers on duty. In the last twenty years, violence against police officers and officials, however, adopted completely new forms. Everyday situations in the service can develop from one moment to the next a deadly threat. Solely from the material available on the number of policemen killed on duty, however, can neither read out something about the motives of the perpetrators nor the actual threat. This can be seen more when the frequency of attacks against police officers in Intent to kill perpetrated considered. Just because the professional skills of officials in self-defense of these attacks go in very rare cases of truly deadly. So most police officers were killed in 2000, namely 8th In contrast, in the same year carried 35 attacks with intent to kill. The high point of the frequency of fatal attacks on police in Jahr1994. Since then the numbers are again declining. ... more
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