Monday, February 28, 2011
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The ban on strikes by civil servants by law, except the states of Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate, not regulated. In Article 33 paragraph 5 of the Basic Law are the traditional principles according to which officials in contrast to public employees is legally recognized right to strike.
reason is the maintenance of public function, that is, public facilities such as schools or safety of citizens by the police must be maintained in their function. Public employees will be given by law the other hand, under Article 9, paragraph 3 of the Constitution a right to strike. ... more
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Friday, February 25, 2011
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The AVR-conversion calculator is now available for Systems 30 to 33 the AVR Caritas be used. The AVR-conversion calculator calculated taking into account the individual decisions of the Federal Commission (dated 10.21.2010 and 09.12.2010) to the regions of the coat for a directed employees and their difference is called with the last payment.
If in the regions of North, Central and East made decisions were, the AVR-conversion calculator is enhanced with respect to these regions. ... more
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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If everything is quite small and still,
then I think of you.
With all the words, all the delicate
the strange entanglements
been a dream really.
When I awake I'm
sometimes drawn with a smile,
and then I lick my wounds.
I'll carry you like all my other scars,
as one of my colors.
It burns in me, and then the memories just faded luster.
love comes, love goes, often they remain forever.
I imagine, that you're
've found your place.
satisfaction with the world.
you love has caught them all you can give that, what could
not me.
yesterday, is almost a year.
I miss the friend who was still there in my room.
love comes, love goes, I wish you will remain forever.
You know how the time that flies,
glory days blurred
I sometimes mixed with Andres memories.
Please believe me when I say, I wish you the best
If you see my face sometimes,
wherever you encounter it, forget me not,
but miss me not. Remember, love is love
, go, you and I see a star Engl Always
some point we will forever.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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of my own thoughts
nailed to the cross, no
back against the wall, ready
of all sides.
cold and colder.
Baby Baby Baby melancholy
Taff - Taff Taffer at most.
power Geil Geil
fact clueless.
good and evil,
light and dark,
weak and strong.
Yes damn it!
Dualitiät in flesh and blood walked.
has always been is.
I'm not afraid of you
Take what ever you need.
Whoever you are.
Whatever comes.
I need no demons from outside - I have my fears inside firmly inside.
Today I am particularly beautiful.
seats with my crown of thorns to
table with all the lost souls unite in me.
alphabet soup of lies made.
Whether homemade or premium,
I (he) tasted no difference.
This throat is so flowed down a lot.
Bitter pills
sweet poison, true dreams
burned by the fire that just will not stop
to blaze.
The fire that holds me here.
Lately, I'm going to it often.
I can do without the world
but it seems the world is not for me.
The darkest stain on my soul
is in love with life.
Being in love In love.
So I suck at you and spit you out again. If only I
You know, dear life, I keep looking constantly
after this "more".
Leg I from all vanity,
shift, and afterwards pride and dignity. Is not this
Lot calibrated well.
All I am or to be believed,
I put this letter balance for an answer.
drives me why all the madness
to the end, head and neck,
breaks until I'm on my knees. At this point
said - finally give up everything.
It is now time that exchanged envelope aside.
It is now Posted:
"Pour gasoline into your fire,
salt for your wounds,
in your darkest night waiting for the sun was in you to be working again
and your pain tells you to rise again."
Monday, February 21, 2011
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time work or temporary work in Germany is now widespread. Around one million temporary workers are currently active all over Germany.
particularly at companies, temporary employees are extremely popular. A major reason is the enormous savings that can be achieved with it. Here's the video
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The warning strikes at Deutsche Telekom AG will be strengthened. On Monday, the 21st February 2011 was on strike again . About 7,000 strikers had assembled in Berlin. Here's the video
ver.di The union called on the Telekom a wage increase of 6.5 percent or at least a salary increase of 170 euros per month and exclusion of early dismissals based on operational reasons. The telecom put an offer ver.di with just 2.17 percent, which distributed the equivalent of an actual increase on the year of 1.08 percent would. The union rejected this offer as "not negotiable" back.... more
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Friday, February 18, 2011
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
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I'll show you a piece of my soul.
Unveil inch by inch.
I am so very own pace.
often too fast and banal things I like to stay back a bit.
Let me fall off then you try to depend on skilful and divert us both
you say - you are so different.
Contrary to everything I knew before.
How much I love these sweet words but,
make me at this moment into something special.
know But you, I can not wait to say nothing of the outside.
I learn from within to glow.
I trust, as an unspoken Suppose we
thaw intimacies against each other.
swap thoughts about true feelings.
so similar yet so different.
you wade like Job, next to the door.
I would lie to you like
but if I learned one,
then that you are not waiting for the downhill must
who is flying high can only come to the event.
I think it's a law of life.
Nothing can change that.
applies only to learn how to land a cat on her four paws
and you want to be champion, then you're going
than just to their knees.
But homemade my Job, many of your shots are like that.
your soup is in you cooks, and I know
as it is, if
turn thoughts
fears torment you and go short circuit reactions in
no more motion.
You must promise me anything, and you also break
no spikes in the crown. I
my picture of you,
've always been.
Of course, we are all nothing more - as a burned child.
Today I can not even hug you.
forgiveness I told you long ago.
Otherwise I would not be here, but for some strange
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How is it that Israel is demonized again and again and his de facto right to be agreed to put up with his enemies to defend? Why are these enemies so much understanding or even sympathy paid to do? Why the so-called criticism of Israel is so immensely popular, especially in this country, what drives them, and how it is explained that, in particular Jewish "Israel critics as experienced Avraham Burg such a very broad resonance?
TESTING Alex is a freelance writer living in Bonn. He writes regularly for various newspapers and magazines on the Middle East, including the Jewish General, specifically, the daily mirror and the Jungle World.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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As of Monday, 21 February 2011 must be adjusted rail passengers on train delays and cancellations, because the German train drivers union (GDL) makes good its threat to the planned strike action.
The GDL called for the introduction of a comprehensive sectoral collective agreement for train drivers in Germany. In the union about three quarters of the 26,000 train drivers in Germany are organized. The German train made it to the collective agreement but no offer. Instead, it offered the GDL repeated on a two-stage pay rise and one hour of extra work time per week for the engineer. The contract should be limited to 29 months. The GDL rejected and threatened strikes. ... more
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A hot Discussion of the right to strike of civil servants is currently lit. Dbb Chairman Frank Stöhr made it clear that a right to strike for civil servants was excluded.
reason for the discussions is the verdict of the Administrative Court Dusseldorf, 15 December 2010. The judges have imposed a disciplinary measure against a striking teacher. The teacher had had taken part in strike action and imposed by their service men a disciplinary measure. The court ruled in favor of the teacher and referred to the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. ... moreQuotes To Be Written In A Invitation Card
employees of the charity will receive based on the TVöD a child allowance if they are entitled to child benefit under the Income Tax Act, or after the Federal Child Benefit Act or without the consideration of § 64 and § 65 of the Income Tax Act and § 3 and § have 4 of the Child Benefits Act.
Payment is made at monthly intervals, unless the right to child allowance of at least one day a month there. The amount of child allowance depends on the official year of joining the Caritas and the number of children. ... more
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Until the late 1980s was considered terrorism as the biggest threat to police officers on duty. In the last twenty years, violence against police officers and officials, however, adopted completely new forms. Everyday situations in the service can develop from one moment to the next a deadly threat. Solely from the material available on the number of policemen killed on duty, however, can neither read out something about the motives of the perpetrators nor the actual threat. This can be seen more when the frequency of attacks against police officers in Intent to kill perpetrated considered. Just because the professional skills of officials in self-defense of these attacks go in very rare cases of truly deadly. So most police officers were killed in 2000, namely 8th In contrast, in the same year carried 35 attacks with intent to kill. The high point of the frequency of fatal attacks on police in Jahr1994. Since then the numbers are again declining. ... more
Friday, February 11, 2011
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AVR-Caritas stands for "guidelines for employment contracts in the facilities of the German Caritas, "according to the TVöD and is the basis for employees within the Caritas association with the exception of persons listed in § 3.
to those listed in § 3 persons include:
- of disability in the performance of employees
- affected employees, the employment engaged in a service, the exception being made for a written confirmation of the application of the AVR
- employees with an employment according to § 11 para 3 of SGB XII
- employees with an employment relationship under § 16 SGB d II, the validity of this scheme is 31 December 2013 before
- employees, working in an education, are further or educational background ratio employed and not according to Annex 7 to the AVR apply
- Senior staff including senior doctors
- employees with a wage above the highest step of grade addition
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The opening talks called soot as constructive, but regretted that the Hesse state government had knowledge of the claims nor made an offer. "We have made it clear that our request for the Hesse state employees are no different can than for colleagues in the field of collective of German states (TdL) for which since 4 February will be negotiated, "Russ said in Wiesbaden.
of 14 months, the acquisition of all trainees and a time-nd the same content transfer of fee increases on the civil service sector, "the chief negotiator for the dbb tarifunion. ... more
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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(for Oliver)
The woman at the window ...
Everything takes time.
time to address the court to find.
room for new.
place to store old.
room to cry.
gain insights.
order to bring it into something more.
I am the woman at the window.
But my time to see beyond
has expired.
With all the freedom, but many a boundary.
worth fighting against the elements -
because there comes a moment - in that you lean.
accepts what has always stood us in:
Nothing special to all of us.
I will not be controlled.
not by or you
not you me.
This and that - comes and goes.
So why keep it so tight?
If you fall under water, a dip in
all your personal misery.
bitter drink every sip of it from, as long as you're losing your
sorrow remained so long under water until the pain starts to burn and evaporate
every drop.
If you must,
have made a mistake a second time.
But the third party to solve the mystery.
saving you blame for the next life.
and space of the accounts does not, then simply beating on it again.
I was the woman at the window,
've seen all the lives and gave it to my almost.
I fight, I bleed, I am suffering but I usually laugh and make
me less and less something out of it.
make course I still just my fault.
The note says to myself:
respect life goes on and on,
dies as soon not know.
Sometimes the way a narrower than wider.
I the woman
am to stand at the window.
Today I walk between the doors,
diving into life and if it is for me too much, I
diving in a safe place again.
Do not make yourself against the wall,
you know if you need me, I
reaching out my hand.
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jaja the layout and I will probably have no friends here more ...
soon as I got more time bissl I think about me was: P
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but Jezter to basics ...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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Rights and obligations of a every soldier in a collection of laws, the Military Act, regulated. Also included are provisions of the employment relationship, such as the establishment but also the termination of the professional relationship. A basic distinction is between professional soldiers and conscripts soldiers on time, which for example in § § 37-57 is expressed. Furthermore, soldiers enshrined in law are fines. ... more
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Since 01 January 2011 apply for the ERGO officials credit favorable interest rates, because once again, ERGO, the interest on debt reduction by the official loans. In the past year, at 01 August 2010, lowered the ERGO due to the renaming of Hamburg-Mannheimer AG to ERGO insurance group lending rates. ... more
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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In 2050, one in three 60 years or older. Our future society will require new housing and living arrangements for older people.
Older Only the other, "says a book title by Elizabeth Niejahr. The company will age significantly in the coming decades. Currently living in Germany for approximately 16.3 million people aged over 65 years, with about two million are in need of care - the majority living at home. This is also largely the desire of most people. They want to live to old age in their own home. "As we get older and continue to live, is the responsibility of each individual. The elderly of tomorrow that are we do, "says Elisabeth Niejahr. For the housing industry, it is essential for continued aging of the failed company to make long-term housing so attractive that older people can remain with limited mobility in her apartment.
crucial for high quality housing is a functioning neighborhood ausrechenden service offerings. Quantitatively, the new residential services for older people are mainly made on structural measures in the stock - that is the opinion of the competence network of living. A demand for innovative housing projects, new municipal structures and the initiative of all stakeholders in the real estate industry.
Many people, whether old or young, do not depend on traditional supply patterns, but join forces to realize the close proximity and mutual assistance beyond state and family. "Cultivate neighborhood, but to stimulate and create opportunities for us is traditionally an important part of the administrative work," says Thorsten home from active throughout his home property management work. Finally, from a self-determined, active form of housing not only the respective owners and renters move even a benefit. The effect reaches far into the bordering areas of a residential neighborhood.
This objective is pursued by the Schader-Stiftung in Darmstadt. Its managing director, Sabine Sweet, says: ". Have created new collaborations, tie the residential initiatives on the one hand, housing companies, banks, municipalities or counties, and actors of social and health on the other"
is it not just about great, cross-border projects . initiate Rather, each individual property owner or landlord to make way for the future by acting in their own way. "The private landlord, more and more that will be the tenant of the future at a high percentage of older than 70 years," calls Home Basic-president Rolf Korn. Instead of confronting the homeowner with increasing demands, arguing for a non-bureaucratic, simple promotion of equitable generation revamp in housing stock.
the KFW Banking Group provides incentives for implementation. So who now wants to rebuild stairs to the entrance, narrow corridors, narrow doors and small bathroom can get assistance with the program for "age-friendly renovation. Homeowners and tenants, but also housing authority may request a grant of five percent or a loan of up to 50,000 € per unit, low barrier to a property rebuild. The request may be submitted directly to the KfW, before the property is bought or started the rebuild.
"Who wants to be with his real estate assets on the safe side, look to the future and is looking for a reasonable solution in financial terms, should now be active. Government support is only one incentive, but also free money that is put to good use, "says Thorsten home. "Acting with foresight in the real estate industry for the success more important than in other industries, ultimately it's all about long periods of time." The home property management with offices in Hamburg, Norderstedt, Wiesbaden, Mainz and Dresden is positioning itself as a competent partner and expert in a future citizen housing and affordable housing and living arrangements for older people.
Thorsten home
press officer and managing director
home Property Management GmbH
Tel: 040/529 40 80 Mobile: 0173/913 56 23
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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is important for any police officer, the distinction between task and authority, which is an important feature in the police and regulatory law and is embedded in a variety of state police laws.
The difference between task and authority is in the actions of a police officer or a police order and clear what einzugruppieren engagement in the category administration.
... read