For the preaching of the institution of the holy word to the end of the first week of the year
eternal promise is a presumption of divinity
all time is eternity, but man is not made for eternity, but he alone is a are within time. A Will has a beginning and an end. Each can must begin early, so there are men and women to their sexual coming together are the start. Will not last forever, because then it would be a being and gods same. Rather end each one becoming, if it ceases to be, if the required contributions for Will not come about. The end of becoming what we call death, but the beginning birth. Between them owes everything to the fact that a part of each and every one does this, the necessary contributions, in their associations are gripping the content. This is for nature, as given to us will be and to cause no less for the people when they come to agreements, shared, and so societal especially the Virtual of produce. The prevailing principle is everywhere the reliability and its special form of loyalty , the promised and promised and therefore expected to do. This is the basis of every living together, and applies to all and everyone equally, whether in private or in public and equal, at which point it works. The principles as being a duty also to behave as one has raised the expectations of others, is the core the reliability. Because one can not deny every act of interaction only, but to every man goes into a specific process underlying the necessary for its realization information , and creates for the other participants have the expectation that he, the information concerning him will also implement. Relying on the reliability of those involved succeed in the process. All participation and cooperation is thus based on a promise, either express or implied, even if it is only doing what is promised and thus from the perspective of others also expected. The acting in the promised time, in this way now, the expectation is raised that in the Extends forward and then waits for the realization. The spread between now and the future was promised to be achieved is a part of the time, but never all the time, because it is not made for humans. Therefore, there is no eternal promise, nor is it eternal obligations to humans. Eternal promise is a presumption of divinity why the person is relieved of any ages. Promise to be effective only for a time, never for the full-time and even for more time than a man can do at all. But this is far less than his life as the result of his own becoming.
No one can commit themselves for life
is the core of every life, the perception of one's own being and his needs are the ones that the own needs are met. The core reflects the consciousness, that is the source of life, therefore every single one, without the awareness would be a man of his life unaware. Using the awareness man recognizes the power of the goddess when life can be and also the need to submit to its laws, from everything and everyone, what are most involved, the reliability requires that he provide the expected behavior are well. All but expected, and thus all loading and cooperation of the individuals provided are the person's life and the necessary processes. Thus, the period in respect of which the person must, by his promise not deckungsgleichmit be the period of his life. Just as a man can not commit for eternity, he can do it not for his whole life. And the period of his life depends on the duration, behavior while participating in its formation is part of the underlying information in accordance with, without having a guarantee for a different time than the Actually received. If everything depends solely on how long it can last it brings about. Other principles are not. In the field of virtual objects, it is no different. Were it otherwise, then would a human be a slave to the other, because then there would be reasons that preclude his becoming and to accept that he would be obliged. But no man can be obliged to his own life are and to give the benefit of another, unless he did so voluntarily. Before his own life and are but ending any obligation if the fulfillment of the Will would end. Because every life is created through the work the power of the goddess, with which it has revived the world and inspired. And for his own life and its always the goddess is itself
The correction of the reliability
This proves the dilemma of life: it is based on the reliability, which will be required to do his, and is also reason to stop its so necessary investments if they contradict his own life at its core. This dilemma reflects the inadequacy of every life and of man as malnutrition and Irrwesen, who live only by continuing to recognize and overcome the shortage caused by error alone can. This ambiguity and incompleteness can not be eliminated, they can only be mitigated. to soften you, is already in the power of the divine, which alone makes the general life complete, the individual Leb s but only if it needs it for general living. It subjects the individual were other requirements for the universal life of the world consists of nothing other than the life of individuals, but it shows the plan and therefore the will of the deity, to revive the world alone. This is perfect, not perfect but is man, this also was created as a free entity, if only so that he can love the Goddess. In his freedom is also the key to overcoming the above dilemma between duty to the reliability and protection of one's life. Because freedom is only through with it at the same time imposed responsibility, the needs of others affected by their own decisions ;. to consider a solution of this contradiction is therefore only in consultation with others in a process of the divorce possible, when weighed up the confidence of others for their expectations with the needs of their own lives and in which it objectified in such a process to an exemption of promise by commitments can come too. This principle is all natural, the longer the periods are, has been promised for to behave accordingly. The same applies even more uncertain and confusing for the commitment of the governing conditions of life were evident. But the important thing is the principle of reliability as a basis and rule and the possibility of delivery thereof as a special exception and, as a kind of correction of the individual life in relation to the general life.
truth determines the reliability
For a long time have become more civilized societies in all forms to people released from their especially long-term personal commitments or other obligations. This may happen as a termination, dissolution, divorce, annulment, always in formal methods that allow also the confidence to take into account compliance with the drawee promises. It is present to any meaningful legal concepts, but with the expression of the most basic principle of life and of living together: how the universal life principle of reliability to be corrected, that it is not Threat to life on the reliability of the debtor developed. appear in the sanctuary of the goddess to a guarantee for the high duty of loyalty and reliability, even in civilian life , and leaves everything Opposite, notably the correction, as an exception. Second, it protects the life of a each individual, the most is the truth to him to show the way, has planted in his soul. But the truth is also part of every duty, every promise and every love . No one can therefore refer to a promise a duty to be regarded from the outset that it is untenable. This is for ever and also for life-long promises, for man may have as I said, any more than eternity as well as his whole life. To be a special time periods relating promises is subject to their feasibility to changing needs, which may include their termination. Promises that subject from the outset also very short-lived bear in terms of their medium-and long-term enforceability of additional uncertainties in itself. This is true even for such a valuable asset as love, as this reflects nothing more than the eternal love of the goddess. Nevertheless, it often turns unintentionally different and new people to. But no one can commit to love, for love is the essential feature of their free will. However, people can, especially if they want to make common, to justify such as a family, to commit themselves with all that is possible for them to seek love. This is also a duty that their jointly conceived and born children also owe over as well, thereby influenced them to create a living space. The requirements to be allowed to exempt from such obligations can not be less than those order to solve long-term commitments from commercial contracts. For at all never forget. alone is absolutely the love of the goddess, but each others love and all pertaining to that promise, they reflect is needed very much that you will release the goddess of them. Any separation but, whether by termination, divorce or other means, always requires the participation of one or the other party, which obligations are owed to, in compliance of the developed forms, on which we all agreed. Those forms respect, you are on the Goddess, for only then allowed to correct your own life because of loyalty and reliability. This correction in detail takes nothing else, which in General life happens when not appropriate or not to life can not be. This may apply to you at the same time as an indication of what the thresholds are to be released before the eyes of the goddess of his promise.
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