If you can not hear your voice,
then pack your filter.
sit there in front, freezing, burning
, awake, and then listen again closely.
Sharpen your senses, listen to your inner voice.
unlearn not live
Erlene prefer forgiveness.
errors happen whenever we try to do our best
wines, be grateful for every tear,
Cling to the pain
because he is your safety net
before each crash.
to as far down as you might wish you,
you can drop at all.
Confess you a - to be weak.
check up, until you know each of your mistakes.
Add new ones or let everything be as accurate.
Do not hope that she sees no one.
love rather caught in your sights.
No one can push you more into a corner.
Get up and enters each of these walls come with all its angles.
Some have become part of you.
It hurts, and it will cost blood and water, the
bring to the fall of the last blow these walls will
is just another deep breath.
Do it very quietly, very gently while closing your eyes.
Inhale and
nourish you with life.
Everything you from the universe long ago forgiven.
All true. All good.
Each planted tree puts on his hat that day in front of you.
No matter how many experiences yet to be made.
you'll kiss you awake at any time.
Each wandered through space is connected to the neighbor.
We pass, let off and lie on what
stuck in there and there.
building to block seal, or get lost.
But we know our home.
Maybe all part of our great trip.
We live in the same house, maybe your other
colors or shapes.
But talk if you want, then I wait in the garden
under the big trees.
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