home property management is looking for qualified employees (m / w)
We offer residential property management for two jobs:
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Please tell or apply. We are looking forward to a nice fellow.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Are Metal Cores Better On The Back Or Front
and order
![]() |
recommendation from your federal government. Not just for non smoking inside. |
"(...) The main thing is: Do not listen to the hungry
. The main thing is: Do not disrupt the street scene. Just do not
scream. Over time this will have.
brings you all the evolution.
They discovered your hats people's representatives.
Are you up to then all kicked the bucket?
is So you see upon your graves yet,
you have always been peaceful and orderly "
Kurt Tucholsky (" The World Stage ")
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Mysore Mallige Full Online
"Are you somehow disabled?"
What does the (intact) body in capitalism?
And what bring the disability movement, ramps and integration jobs?
When: Sun 07th November 2010, 12.00 - 17.00 clock
Where: Filler, Erfurt
" disease and disability as a meltdown of the bourgeois. individual. "- A seminar of Rebecca (Young Left)
The most important thing in life is a health course, being sick. is stupid, and that crutches are considered unsexy, as anyone who had ever had a sports accident. Sick or disabled will be no one. Not for nothing, there is the continuous debate about euthanasia, for in spite of pro-life primacy is consensus: "hang on tubes - never." The resulting dependency is the disaster scenario that presents itself as a free-bourgeois individual. No wonder that the representatives of this disaster create unease. Disgust, pity, admiration - are varied and often extreme.
What are the stereotypes about different physicality? What does the (intact) body in capitalism?
And what bring the disability movement, ramps and integration jobs?
When: Sun 07th November 2010, 12.00 - 17.00 clock
Where: Filler, Erfurt
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thin Headband Soccer Players Wear
Your time is not yours! (1.0)
Okay. The school does not become the real horror film, nor the living nightmare from which there is no awakening. Dein_e Lehrer_in is not Freddy Krueger and are not a bunch of your Mitschüler_innen brain-eating zombies (though some actually give the impression of being brain dead, or to have no brain). Checks and controls are not life threatening and there are quests in life may be far worse Torture as physical education. Desks are not torture bench.
would effect each of these comparisons an enormous over-estimation of the school day. This is how man often hear, prepare for life (meaning thereby the work, which is determined later, especially your economic and social situation), and this he does admirably: it is barren and can endure man him about himself. You learn to plan your days completely guided by what others want from you. This starts with the daily morning of the procedure (always felt far too early) standing up - only the ubiquitous forced into submission and the prospect of the imminent weekend enable the eternal repetition of this process, without being too crazy on it.
We continue this subordination in the school itself as soon as you (forced moderation on time as possible) appear on the lessons you are told what has to deal now. What do you want, where you with your thoughts or if you're awake at all, no one is interested. You shall obey and practice creative touch of a button, be athletic or scientific - to the needs of any individual (not to mention the will of its own quite) notwithstanding. The dates and length of your breaks are given and completely independent of yourself you shall not eat (despite hunger) in class, sleeping (despite fatigue), nor, drinking only in moderation (unless the / the Lehrer_in not interfere, in "technical areas" anyway) and to the toilet only if it just fits and / or you can order life, just missing the current material. Nor is it a coincidence that you do in case of illness or other excused absences have: it should be you'll be sorry to have been not available for the school and the majority of cases with medical certificates should also prove us.
behind these absurd conditions and constraints put an unequivocal Message: "Your time is not yours!" - Make up a powerful operability / n - fixed / n Arbeitnehmer_in who / which is in constant competitors to the "other". You will by so-called "secondary virtues" such as order, punctuality, discipline, and the already mentioned pervasive oppression of your own needs - the other claims as widely inculcated and not "typical" nor "naturally" are - deformed to the labor market fit for human material. Learned is what is on the curriculum and as extensively as possible in as short a time - learning to pay per time, which is demanded in the performance assessments. The content is arbitrary and interchangeable, since it is oriented at the current demand Arbeitgeber_innen their future wage earners - reproduction for the national site.
The results of performance assessments are the basis for school selection and hence the distribution of life chances. This sorting is based from adverse selection: Schüler_innen secondary education are mostly bluntly thrown on the labor market (or previously as a potential killer for his country temporarily confiscated) as people with higher education by studying the opportunity (not security) to a "better" (ie relatively better paid) job may work out. Of poverty, work and thus have to sell, but even the Gymnasiast_innen not exempt. They also have to work almost every day and most of her life in order to fund their existence, or to "live" at all (in the sense of sufficient reproduction to work on). The "luck" of the people is always attached to it, whether and if so, how much wages "earned" is.
"The three-tier school system is one way of sorting people, the whole school to another. It is to abolish the brutal selection of the tripartite system, neither attenuate nor, she performs just different. A school Class society, they all are. The school provides the social hierarchy can not, they executed it sorted before and who has the opportunities. Therefore, it is not our aim to abolish the school to improve, or to democratize them. We want to abolish a society that compels by force people in institutions like this school system and their happiness on the form of wages addictive. "
boy left against nation, and capital -" school is common, "
would effect each of these comparisons an enormous over-estimation of the school day. This is how man often hear, prepare for life (meaning thereby the work, which is determined later, especially your economic and social situation), and this he does admirably: it is barren and can endure man him about himself. You learn to plan your days completely guided by what others want from you. This starts with the daily morning of the procedure (always felt far too early) standing up - only the ubiquitous forced into submission and the prospect of the imminent weekend enable the eternal repetition of this process, without being too crazy on it.
We continue this subordination in the school itself as soon as you (forced moderation on time as possible) appear on the lessons you are told what has to deal now. What do you want, where you with your thoughts or if you're awake at all, no one is interested. You shall obey and practice creative touch of a button, be athletic or scientific - to the needs of any individual (not to mention the will of its own quite) notwithstanding. The dates and length of your breaks are given and completely independent of yourself you shall not eat (despite hunger) in class, sleeping (despite fatigue), nor, drinking only in moderation (unless the / the Lehrer_in not interfere, in "technical areas" anyway) and to the toilet only if it just fits and / or you can order life, just missing the current material. Nor is it a coincidence that you do in case of illness or other excused absences have: it should be you'll be sorry to have been not available for the school and the majority of cases with medical certificates should also prove us.
behind these absurd conditions and constraints put an unequivocal Message: "Your time is not yours!" - Make up a powerful operability / n - fixed / n Arbeitnehmer_in who / which is in constant competitors to the "other". You will by so-called "secondary virtues" such as order, punctuality, discipline, and the already mentioned pervasive oppression of your own needs - the other claims as widely inculcated and not "typical" nor "naturally" are - deformed to the labor market fit for human material. Learned is what is on the curriculum and as extensively as possible in as short a time - learning to pay per time, which is demanded in the performance assessments. The content is arbitrary and interchangeable, since it is oriented at the current demand Arbeitgeber_innen their future wage earners - reproduction for the national site.
The results of performance assessments are the basis for school selection and hence the distribution of life chances. This sorting is based from adverse selection: Schüler_innen secondary education are mostly bluntly thrown on the labor market (or previously as a potential killer for his country temporarily confiscated) as people with higher education by studying the opportunity (not security) to a "better" (ie relatively better paid) job may work out. Of poverty, work and thus have to sell, but even the Gymnasiast_innen not exempt. They also have to work almost every day and most of her life in order to fund their existence, or to "live" at all (in the sense of sufficient reproduction to work on). The "luck" of the people is always attached to it, whether and if so, how much wages "earned" is.
"The three-tier school system is one way of sorting people, the whole school to another. It is to abolish the brutal selection of the tripartite system, neither attenuate nor, she performs just different. A school Class society, they all are. The school provides the social hierarchy can not, they executed it sorted before and who has the opportunities. Therefore, it is not our aim to abolish the school to improve, or to democratize them. We want to abolish a society that compels by force people in institutions like this school system and their happiness on the form of wages addictive. "
boy left against nation, and capital -" school is common, "
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Heavy Woman Sitting On Stomach
streets from sugar # 4 (Young Left)
The # 4 of the streets of sugar has been released. This time, as a cooperation issue with young left. And as a special edition of the "Day of German Unity" 2010 and the official celebrations in Bremen, where a Bürger_innenfest "20 years of German unity" should be cheered. We take the ceremonies as an opportunity to say why Germany is no reason for us to sway.
are at 24 pages there articles about football and 'summer fairytale', why the state has with the sex ratio, a ratio of "We are Lena," why did the Germans' in the crisis should even hold together really, an interview with Dirk of Lowtzow of Tocotronic, 5 x critique of arguments as to why 'we Germans' supposed to be a very big 'WE' are much more
And if you want to distribute the newspaper in your neighborhood, at your school or in your friend * inner circle, write a mail to info [this character]-young and they'll send linke.de this for free.
Want to read previous editions of the newspaper finds them, merchandise and much more on http://strassenauszucker.blogsport.de/ !
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dresses In Dark Green
"resistance against any damn country!"
For a change, something real punk because virtually Demos currently only DJ to play:
For a change, something real punk because virtually Demos currently only DJ to play:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Can A Prolapse Cause Infertility
autumn home came out real estate news!
Today I want all of you who are interested in the subject property, a interesting links such as:
I myself am now on 16.9.-10.1.2010 on vacation and I can report to you after vacation return back again. A nice and successful time, I hope by then- Greetings Thorsten
... you already know my Xing profile? The platform I use a lot for my business contacts: https: / / www.xing.com / profile / Thorsten_Hausmann .. and also on Facebook you'll see me, but this is something more personal for my Contact: http://www .facebook.com / thorsten.hausmann
Today I want all of you who are interested in the subject property, a interesting links such as:
I myself am now on 16.9.-10.1.2010 on vacation and I can report to you after vacation return back again. A nice and successful time, I hope by then- Greetings Thorsten
... you already know my Xing profile? The platform I use a lot for my business contacts: https: / / www.xing.com / profile / Thorsten_Hausmann .. and also on Facebook you'll see me, but this is something more personal for my Contact: http://www .facebook.com / thorsten.hausmann
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sores In Mouth From Piercing
fundamental tax reform attracts the minds
Warning before quick profit: New property tax must be revenue neutral
Property tax assessments in the past three years may be unconstitutional. This has the Bundesfinanzhof (BFH) in just his on 11 August 2010 published opinion again underlined. The current evaluation unit of land and buildings is not consistent with constitutional requirements. Now, countries are required to establish the identification of new property tax. Experts advise owners already to appeal against decisions.
History has really long beard. After all the doubts about the conformity with the Constitution, since the decision of the Constitutional Court on the inheritance and property tax in 1995 - and since then the experts discussed various proposals for a fairer tax, for example, on the basis of land value or market value.
The Bundesfinanzhof alleges especially now that land is taxed based on obsolete unit values from the last century - in the western countries are the values from the year 1964, in the new countries they go back to 1935. The assessed value is multiplied by the base tax rate and the rate of assessment set by the municipality. The determination of the rate of assessment made by the decision of the City Council, which in the determination of the amount of Assessment rate is relatively free.
The current situation means that some citizens are better and others worse off. One can assume that the facts have changed since the sixties and thirties clearly years. The current law included but not even an impairment due to age. This was a breach of the principle of equality, says the BFH.
"This Supreme Court decision is welcome," said Jens-Ulrich Kiessling, BSI-chairman and president of the real estate association IVD on publication of the BFH ruling. "It is a clear signal to be considered in the legislature to promote the property tax reform. "in January 2010, appointed by the Finance Working Group Meeting would have to represent now the discussion on the future of the property tax base. The finance ministers meeting will deal in the fall with the reform of property tax.
Owners Protection Association Home Basic Germany points out, that has increased compared to the year 2009, especially in the larger cities, the property tax on real estate, sometimes drastically. "The economic crisis has led many communities to declining business tax revenue. Apparently this is an occasion for many eunuchs, homeowners and tenants to engage more deeply in the pockets, "said Home Basic President Rolf Kornemann the numbers. In particular, the cities in Baden-Wuerttemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia increased property tax significantly. Probably the biggest increase in property tax assessment rate must accept the people in Stuttgart - where was the property tax assessment rate be increased to 400 B 520th This is an increase of 30 percent compared to 2009.
Warning before quick profit: New property tax must be revenue neutral
Property tax assessments in the past three years may be unconstitutional. This has the Bundesfinanzhof (BFH) in just his on 11 August 2010 published opinion again underlined. The current evaluation unit of land and buildings is not consistent with constitutional requirements. Now, countries are required to establish the identification of new property tax. Experts advise owners already to appeal against decisions.
History has really long beard. After all the doubts about the conformity with the Constitution, since the decision of the Constitutional Court on the inheritance and property tax in 1995 - and since then the experts discussed various proposals for a fairer tax, for example, on the basis of land value or market value.
The Bundesfinanzhof alleges especially now that land is taxed based on obsolete unit values from the last century - in the western countries are the values from the year 1964, in the new countries they go back to 1935. The assessed value is multiplied by the base tax rate and the rate of assessment set by the municipality. The determination of the rate of assessment made by the decision of the City Council, which in the determination of the amount of Assessment rate is relatively free.
"This Supreme Court decision is welcome," said Jens-Ulrich Kiessling, BSI-chairman and president of the real estate association IVD on publication of the BFH ruling. "It is a clear signal to be considered in the legislature to promote the property tax reform. "in January 2010, appointed by the Finance Working Group Meeting would have to represent now the discussion on the future of the property tax base. The finance ministers meeting will deal in the fall with the reform of property tax.
Owners Protection Association Home Basic Germany points out, that has increased compared to the year 2009, especially in the larger cities, the property tax on real estate, sometimes drastically. "The economic crisis has led many communities to declining business tax revenue. Apparently this is an occasion for many eunuchs, homeowners and tenants to engage more deeply in the pockets, "said Home Basic President Rolf Kornemann the numbers. In particular, the cities in Baden-Wuerttemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia increased property tax significantly. Probably the biggest increase in property tax assessment rate must accept the people in Stuttgart - where was the property tax assessment rate be increased to 400 B 520th This is an increase of 30 percent compared to 2009.
This development is cause for concern. This is indicated also GdW the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Company and the German Tenants' Association (DMB) even exist harmoniously. A modern efficient system must be found for the Owners, tenants and landlords are equally acceptable to say the association's leaders Friday, and Lutz Luke Siebenkotten. A new property tax should not lead to far greater stresses than, as this would be the home buying power of the tenant to be significant. With the increase in fees would increase the overall burden of the tenants, and possible scope for the refinancing of investment - especially for energy conservation and climate protection - would be reduced.
owner, it has Thorsten Hausmann, manager and shareholder out of the home property management GmbH, Norderstedt / Hamburg, dealing with the changed property tax a lower tax burden should hope, now pause with regard to the current object to the verdict fixing the assessed value the tax office and ask for a reassessment.
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